April 2006


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Michael H Lees <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
MASON Multiagent Simulation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 7 Apr 2006 11:32:45 +0100
text/plain (73 lines)
Hi Sean,

Thanks for your response. I didn't spot that Mason had a bag
implementation. From reading the comments in the code it seems to be
significantly faster than arrayLists.



Sean Luke wrote:
> Hi Michael. MASON doesn't have these built-in, but the following
> should do the trick. This is a place where Bag significantly
> outperforms ArrayList. Note that if you're using ParallelSequence or
> AsynchronousSteppable, you don't want to add objects to the list from
> within those threads as it'd create a race condition that's not checked
> for in the code below.
> Sean
> public class ExpandableSequence implements Steppable
> {
> public Bag steps;
> public ExpandableSequence(Bag steps) { this.steps = steps; }
> public ExpandableSequence() { this.steps = new Bag(); }
> public ExpandableSequence(Steppable[] steps) { this.steps = new Bag
> (steps); }
> public void step(SimState state)
> {
> for(int x=0;x<steps.numObjs; x++)
> ((Steppable)(steps.objs[x])).step(state);
> }
> }
> public class RandomExpandableSequence extends ExpandableSequence
> {
> public RandomExpandableSequence(Bag steps) { super(steps); }
> public RandomExpandableSequence() { super(); }
> public RandomExpandableSequence(Steppable[] steps) { super(steps); }
> public void step(SimState state)
> {
> synchronized(state.random)
> { steps.shuffle(state.random); }
> super.step(state);
> }
> }
> On Apr 4, 2006, at 11:04 AM, Michael Lees wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is my first post to the list, I've been using mason for a few
>> weeks now.
>> I'm using the Sequence class but have found the steps array
>> inflexible in terms of adding new Steppables during execution.
>> I've implemented an ExpandableSequence which uses an arrayList rather
>> than an array. I was wondering if something already exists for this?
>> I might use RandomSequence at some point, which would mean
>> re-implementing RandomSequence to extend ExpandableSequence.

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