December 2016


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Silva Pecini Morris <[log in to unmask]>
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Silva Pecini Morris <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Dec 2016 19:21:50 +0000
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Dear students:
I am writing to draw your attention to  PUBP 732 (CRN: 18395): Labor Market Policies elective course offered by Dr. John Earle on Mondays at 4:30pm-7:10pm, on the Arlington Campus.

The course is designed to further understanding of employment policies, welfare and social insurance, inequality, discrimination, and the labor market effects of trade and immigration, among other crucial policy issues.  It is also designed to meet the needs of students with different interests and objectives by offering a choice of requirements and grading:

1. class participation 10%, homework 20%, midterm exam 30%, final exam 40%

2. class participation 10%, homework 20%, term paper = 70%

3. class participation 10%, homework 20%, final exam = 40%, shorter term paper = 30%

4. any of these choices could be combined with a simultaneous directed reading with the instructor to earn additional credits (associated with a longer term paper)

Some students may be interested in a broad understanding of labor market issues and policies with no particular specialty or emphasis during the course.  Others may have a clear idea of an area where they would like to specialize and develop a deep understanding by carrying out some research of their own.  Still others may prefer some combination of these:  both some broad coverage and some specialization. These possibilities are further described on the revised syllabus, available on-line here ( If you have additional questions, please contact the instructor, Professor John S. Earle ([log in to unmask]).