April 2022


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SCHAR-STUDENT-MPA-L <[log in to unmask]>
Silva Pecini Morris <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 4 Apr 2022 17:37:23 +0000
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Silva Pecini Morris <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (2924 bytes) , text/html (22 kB) , MPA Fall22 Electives.xlsx (18 kB)
MPA (non-cohort) and related certificate Students:

The Fall 2022 schedule of classes is now viewable on PatriotWeb and registration will begin on  April 19th. To determine your individual registration time, please check PatriotWeb <> under "Registration Status and Time Ticket, Override Notification, Wait List Position".  We encourage you to check the schedule of classes frequently on PatriotWeb as the schedule may change.

Please make a note the following information:

  *   To enroll in POGO 511, students must first pass a screening exam.  Information about this is at
  *   Attached to this email is a list of elective course options and concentration area requirement courses broken out.
  *   The complete list of MPA degree requirements can be found here<>.
  *   Students are encouraged to review the options under the BIOD, GOVT, ITRN, POGO, PUAD, and PUBP headings for other elective choices.  Students should consult with an advisor (that’s me) with any questions about elective eligibility.
  *   Course syllabi will be posted on the Schar School syllabi page<> as they become available. If a syllabus is not yet posted, please review previous semesters' syllabi to get an idea of class requirements or contact the teaching faculty directly<> to inquire.
  *   All non-Schar courses will have to be pre-approved by your academic advisor before registering.
  *   The complete academic calendar and billing dates can be found on the Registrar's website<>.

Please note the following important wait list procedures:
·      Students will be sent e-mails (to their Mason e-mail accounts) when waitlist overrides are issued.  Students will not be able to waitlist for a course if the following apply:

  1.  They are already registered for another section of the same course.
  2.  They are already on a waitlist for another section of the same course
·     For more information please visit the Registrar's Waitlist Information<> page.

Finally, to assist you with the registration process, I will be holding "Advising Open House"  hours this week – please see details below:

Arlington Campus, Van Metre Hall, Student Services Suite 560:

  *   April 5 from 4-6:30pm

Fairfax Campus, 336 Aquia Building:

  *   April 7 from 12-3pm

Students will be seen on a first come, first served basis.

Should you have any questions, please let me know.

Silva Pecini Morris
Assistant Dean for Master’s Student Services
Schar School of Policy and Government
George Mason University