October 2020


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Ellen Beth Laipson <[log in to unmask]>
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Ellen Beth Laipson <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 26 Oct 2020 19:02:54 +0000
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The quantitative methods course requirement provides ISEC students with a useful skill for a wide range of public policy careers, which often involve use of data in analytic work and in policy advocacy and implementation.  For the ISEC program, students are required to take POGO 511, a general statistics course.

This year, we are introducing a new option for ISEC students.  Our colleagues in the International Commerce and Policy program have tailored their quant requirement to focus on different types of data analytics for their field. ISEC students are now able to opt for ITRN501, which will be accepted as a substitute for POGO 511.  This alternative might appeal to students with some background in international economics, or an interest in trade as a security issue, or those who find the broad approach to data analysis appealing.

We want to encourage ISEC students who have taken stats courses as undergrads, or who are comfortable with statistics, to stick with the 511 course.  But the new option may be the right choice for some of you.  We are seeking formal approval of this option, and will continue to work to make the quant/data analysis required course  relevant and useful for ISEC students and their career goals.

Please let me or Silva Pecini Morris know if you have any questions.

Professor Laipson

Professor Ellen Laipson
Director, International Security Program
Director, Center for Security Policy Studies
Schar School of Policy and Government
George Mason University
3351 Fairfax Drive
Arlington, Virginia 22201

202-907-1149 (mobile)