March 2020


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Michael A Hunzeker <[log in to unmask]>
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Michael A Hunzeker <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 6 Mar 2020 21:42:53 +0000
text/plain (2266 bytes) , text/html (8 kB) , NATO Simulation Flyer.pdf (141 kB)
Feeling burned out by midterms, bummed out by the steady drumbeat of terrifying news, and exhausted from trying to hunt down the last remaining roll of toilet paper in the DMV?

Well consider yourself in luck! Because the Center for Security Policy Studies has the cure for what ails you (disclaimer: not a real medical cure). It's time to register for our annual spring simulation!

Join us from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday, March 28th as we put you in the driver's seat to see how you handle a nuclear standoff between the United States and, well, someone to the east of us.

Trust me, it's a cool simulation. Think Kobayashi Maru, but with less lens flare. I designed this scenario with a team of CSPS PhD students and we've already 'tested' it out on a team of experts from the NATO Defense College as well as a class of Mason undergrads. None of them could avoid nuclear war (I suspect the undergrads didn't even try...) Can you? (Hint: You cannot. Hence the Kobayashi Maru reference).

You don't need to prepare a thing. You don't need to pay a thing. Just show up and dive in. Breakfast and lunch are even included. So no excuses!

Space is limited. Take a look at the attached flyer for more information. RSVP at Be sure to use your or email account when you sign up, because this event is only open to Mason students.

I hope to see you there!*



*I'll actually be in Texas on research leave. But, you know, I'll see you in spirit.

Michael Hunzeker, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Associate Director, Center for Security Policy Studies
Schar School of Policy and Government
George Mason University

Twitter: @michaelhunzeker
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