Many thanks to those of you who made it to Dr. Hammes' talk last week. We had 48 in attendance, which certainly sets a record for a CSPS sponsored lecture! Thanks to Matt Fay for organizing the talk and Lee Roberts for putting the happy hour together.
I wanted to let you know about a few upcoming events that should be of interest:
I-SEC students
* I have organized our town hall 'debrief' meeting for Friday, April 7th from 4:30 to 6:00 pm in Founders Hall (most likely room 111). The goal is to give graduating I-SEC students a chance to provide feedback on their experiences in the program to faculty and administrators. (While this meeting is aimed at the inaugural I-SEC cohort, since they've been around since the beginning of the program, all I-SEC students are of course invited to participate). Please try to make it if you can. I've spoken with many of you, and many of you have great ideas about the program. This forum will give you a meaningful opportunity to have your ideas and thoughts heard.
Center for Security Policy Studies
* Upcoming speakers:
* Tuesday, March 28th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm (Founders Hall): Professor Stephen Biddle of George Washington University will talk about the future of security cooperation
* Friday, April 14th from 4:30 to 8:00 pm (Founders Hall): Professor Stephen Rosen of Harvard University will talk about the future of military innovation studies
* Upcoming activities:
* Saturday, April 1st (Fairfax campus): Crisis simulation
* Saturday, April 29th: 2nd annual trip to Gettysburg
* Sign up instructions for both events to follow
Middle East Policy Group
* On Wednesday, February 22nd the Schar School's Middle East Policy Group will host a conversation with Professor Peter Mandaville entitled "The United States in the Middle East: Assessing the Emerging Trump Doctrine." Professor Justin Gest will chair the session, which will be held from 4:30 to 6:00 pm in Founders Hall 113. Please RSVP to [log in to unmask]
CATO Institute
* Our very own John Glaser, I-SEC student / associate director of foreign policy studies at the CATO institute, is moderating two fascinating panels
* On March 7th from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Professors Todd Secher (UVA), Matthew Fuhrman (Texas A&M), and Matthew Kroenig (Georgetown) will discuss a new book on why nuclear weapons might be useful for deterrence, but not for bargaining and coercion. Please follow this link to RSVP:
* On March 21st from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Professors Stephen Brooks (Dartmouth), William Wohlforth (Dartmouth) and Eugene Gholtz (UT Austin) will discuss America's global role in the 21st Century. Please follow this link to RSVP:
Assistant Professor, Schar School of Policy and Government
Acting Director, Center for Security Policy Studies
Non-Resident Fellow, Modern War Institute at West Point