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Reply To: | Kathryn B. Laskey |
Date: | Tue, 5 Oct 2021 19:15:52 +0000 |
Content-Type: | multipart/alternative |
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Please join us for our next KRYPTON seminar of the Fall 2021 semester. We will meet at the usual time, 1600h, on Friday October 8, 2021. We will continue to have a virtual option, but will also meet in person. I will attend in person in Room 2241 ENGR, but this time our speaker will be virtual.
You can check Krypton events through our calendar at:
[log in to unmask]&ctz=America/New_York&pli=1" target="_blank">https:[log in to unmask]&ctz=America/New_York&pli=1
Krypton Seminar Series - Spring 2021
Date: October 8, 2021
Time: 4:00PM - 5:30PM
Venue: Zoom and Room 2241 ENGR
Link for remote participation:
Redouane Bertrouni
Ph.D. candidate in Computational Sciences and Informatics, GMU
Title — Navigating the PhD process: Perspective from completing the degree in SEOR at GMU
Abstract — This talk will go through the details of the PhD process. Specific examples will be given from the speakers experience in the SEOR department at GMU. In addition, general universal advice on positive steps that need to be taken for being successful will be presented. This talk is meant to be highly interactive with audience participation strongly encouraged.
Bio —Sabyasachi Guharay completed his bachelors of science in operations research & financial engineering from Princeton University. He has a masters degree in statistics from Wharton School, U Penn and a PhD in Systems Engineering & Operations Research (SEOR) from GMU. Over the past ten years, he has worked as a Data Scientist in the Federal Government with US Department of Treasury and currently with the Federal Deposit & Insurance Corporation (FDIC). He is also currently an Adjunct Faculty with the GMU SEOR department.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 923 5693 8266
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Dr. Kathryn Laskey/ Dr. Paulo Costa
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> / [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
703-993-1644 / 703-993-9989