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June 2020


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John Friedrich Shortle <[log in to unmask]>
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John Friedrich Shortle <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Jun 2020 19:37:54 +0000
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Two opportunities:

  *   Research funding for doctoral students interested in the theory of systems engineering
  *   A course in proposal writing

George Hazelrigg is with the Mechanical Engineering department, but he does a lot of work in systems engineering that is closely aligned with our department. If you are interested, please contact him, [log in to unmask]

John Shortle
Professor & Chair
Systems Engineering & Operations Research
George Mason University
703-993-3571, [log in to unmask]

From: George A. Hazelrigg Jr. <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Research Opportunity

I have a research grant from the National Science Foundation that provides three years of support for a graduate student.  I am looking for a student, preferably a PhD student, who has an interest in theoretical aspects of systems engineering and who would benefit from this support.  Please have any students who might be interested in this opportunity contact me at [log in to unmask]

I would also like to announce that I will be presenting a graduate-level, 3-credit course on proposal writing, ME 699, during the fall semester.  This course is open to all grad students, and I will also accept seniors and faculty, either for credit or audit.  I believe this course will be especially valuable to young faculty beginning their careers and planning on submitting CAREER proposals.  Faculty who have attended my proposal writing lectures have substantially greater success than average with their proposals, and NSF proposal writing workshops are modeled after my presentations.  Please inform your faculty and students of this opportunity.


George Hazelrigg
Mechanical Engineering Department