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October 2012


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Lisa Nolder <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Lisa Nolder <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:41:18 -0400
text/plain (1657 bytes) , QualExamRequest.doc (74 kB)
Dear Volgenau PhD IT students:

Good Morning, if you plan on sitting for the qualifying exams in Spring 
of 2013: Week of January 7-11 of 2013, you will need to fill out a 
request form and return it to Andrew Rudzinski in the Nguyen Engineering 
Building, Suite 2500.  You may email it to him at [log in to unmask] or 
fax it to his attention (703-993-1633) as well.  As the PhD IT program 
coordinator, I will sign off on the form.  The  website listed below has 
all of the information you need regarding the qualifying exams, i.e., 
list of available exams, request form, grade appeals process and 
procedure for withdrawing from the exams.

The Reading List was revised for the August 2013 exam cycle. There were 
minor changes to reflect the latest edition of a few textbooks. Please 
note, however, the information security and assurance exam will now be 
based on a different course (ISA 656 instead of ISA 562 for the August 
2013 exam, the January 2013 exam will still be based on ISA 562).

The attached request form is due by Monday, November 12, 2012. If you 
submit a request after this date you must check with Andrew first to see 
if the exam you would like to take has been requested.

If you have any questions regarding the qualifying exams, please contact 
Andrew directly at [log in to unmask]  or by phone at 703-993-1505.

Best of luck in your exam preparations.

Lisa Nolder
Director of Graduate Student Services
George Mason University
Volgenau School of Engineering
Nguyen Engineering Building, Room 2508
4400 University Drive, MS 5C8
Fairfax, VA   22030
Phone: 703-993-1499
Fax: 703-993-1633