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March 2018


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Kristin Amaya <[log in to unmask]>
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Kristin Amaya <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 1 Mar 2018 21:09:42 +0000
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Job announcements for the US Army Corps of Engineers 2018 summer hire program will be posted to open on USAJOBS on Tuesday, 6 March 2018.

-----Original Message-----
Subject: 2018 Summer Hire Program and Job Announcements

Job announcements for our 2018 summer hire program will be posted to open on USAJOBS on Tuesday, 6 March 2018.

Our Summer Hire Program is intended to attract qualified applicants and give them an opportunity for a meaningful job experience in support of Army missions, as well as help them prepare for future educational and career goals, possibly with USACE.

The job announcements will seek applicants interested in working for HQUSACE, HECSA, IWR, AGC and possibly other USACE activities in the National Capital Region to be duty-stationed at the GAO Building, Humphreys Engineer Center, and Fort Belvoir.

IMPORTANT: These announcements will close after the first 120 applicants have submitted.  If you know individuals that may be interested in a summer job with USACE in the NCR, I recommend they apply as soon as the announcements open in USAJOBS on 6 March, which will be just after midnight on 5 March.  Even though the announcements say they will be open for multiple days through 12 March, we expect numerous applicants on the first day.  There may be so many that the announcements may close on the same day they open. So as they say, "the early bird ..."

Positions for the job series will be announced:
GS-899-3/4/5 Student Trainee (Engineering / Architecture)

The announcement numbers in USAJOBS will be:
NCFL185836709674PI  for GS-0899-3/4/5 positions at GAO Building, Washington, DC.
NCFL185836479703PI  for GS-0899-3/4/5 positions at Humphreys Engineer Center, Alexandria, VA.
NCFL185836946115PI  for GS-0899-3/4/5 positions at Fort Belvoir, VA.

Spread the word to anyone you think may be interested. When applying, applicants must submit a copy of their current transcripts, which may be an unofficial copy at the time of application, but must be official and received directly from the school before work can begin.  Applications without transcripts cannot be accepted and considered.  

Tip: When scoring knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience, applicants should not be conservative in evaluating themselves.  They should be confident and convey an "Essayons" attitude.  It's a very competitive environment.

Point of contact for this year's program is Mona Davis, 703-428-6367.  

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Building Strong (r)