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March 2015


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phd-ceie-l <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 27 Mar 2015 17:38:17 +0000
GMU-CEIE Department <[log in to unmask]>
GMU-CEIE Department <[log in to unmask]>
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Scholarship Opportunity for students who reside in Prince George's or Montgomery County, Maryland.

WSSC, a water utility in Prince George's and Montgomery counties in MD, just announced this year's Engineering Scholarship found here:

About the Scholarship

The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) offers the annual Commissioners' Engineering Scholarships to college students majoring in engineering fields that are vital to the work of WSSC.  Named in honor of current Commissioner Gene W. Counihan and former Commissioner Joyce Starks - the goal of the annual scholarship program is to provide assistance to students from Prince George's and Montgomery Counties in furtherance of their engineering studies and, to encourage such students to consider careers in the water and wastewater/sewer industry; preferably, at WSSC.

Up to two new scholarships in the amount of $1000 each may be awarded; one to a Prince George's County resident and one to a Montgomery County resident.  Winners are eligible for additional awards of $1000 each year for up to four consecutive years as long as residency and grade point average (GPA) requirements are met. Winners also receive priority consideration for paid summer internships at WSSC.


To qualify, students must provide proof of permanent residency in WSSC's service district (i.e., driver's license or other documentation that shows student resides permanently in Prince George's or Montgomery County, Maryland) and be enrolled full-time in a degree program at an accredited college or university that leads to an engineering degree in one of the following areas:  Civil Engineering (i.e., Environmental, Sanitary, Structural, Geotechnical, Water Resources, Fire Protection, Transportation, Project Management, Construction Management); Electrical Engineering; Material Science and Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering or Computer Science/Engineering.

Students also must complete an application and have it received by the WSSC Corporate Secretary by June 1, 2015. See link below for online application.

Luis Maya
Sr. Public Affairs Representative
Communications & Community Relations Office
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission<>
[Description: WSSC+logo+watermatterscolor]
14501 Sweitzer Lane
Laurel, MD  20707
240.460.9264 (cell)
301.206.8186 (fax)

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Established in 1918, today WSSC is among the largest water and wastewater utilities in the nation. We proudly serve the 1.8 million residents of  Prince George's and Montgomery counties, providing life's most precious resource. WSSC  drinking water has always met or exceeded federal standards.