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August 2020


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Bioengineering Department <[log in to unmask]>
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Bioengineering Department <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 7 Aug 2020 14:29:09 +0000
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Dear Students,
We hope your summer is going well and we look forward to welcoming you back in the Fall whether in person or virtually.  By now you should have received a message from the registrar's office with your updated Fall 2020 schedule indicating which classes are in person, fully online, or in a hybrid mode.  If you have any specific questions regarding class delivery, expectations, and requirements for a given class, please contact the course instructor directly.  Remember to periodically check your Blackboard course sites and read your class syllabi as they become available for any important announcements, requirements, and other important information about what to expect in the Fall.
Mason has taken comprehensive measures to maximize safety on campus while at the same time providing an engaging in-person educational experience where possible. Classrooms with in-person teaching will be sanitized between classes. Social distancing measures and mask wearing is mandatory on campus for faculty, student and staff. While on Mason's campus, you are required to wear a face covering in accordance with University Policy 1415<>.  University Life<> is overseeing the distribution of face coverings for students.  Please reach out to them for more information on how to obtain face coverings.
If you have a need for any specific accommodations, please reach out to Office of Disability Services<>.  In general, if you have safety concerns about coming on to campus and you have an in-person or hybrid class, please reach out to ODS, your advisor, and your course instructor to determine the best course of action.
Please review Mason's "Safe Return to Campus" plan  This site is being updated as new information becomes available and/or plans change, so please check it regularly.  If you are returning to campus, make sure that you take the "Safe Return to Campus Training" that is available in Blackboard (
If you have questions regarding registering for classes or class schedules, please contact Carol McHugh ([log in to unmask]), Shani Ross ([log in to unmask]), or Claudia Borke ([log in to unmask]).
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the department.  You can send an email to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
Thank you,
The Bioengineering Department