PHD-BIOE-L Archives

April 2021


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Wed, 14 Apr 2021 21:46:42 +0000
Claudia Borke <[log in to unmask]>
Claudia Borke <[log in to unmask]>
PHD-BIOE-L <[log in to unmask]>
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "BIOE-Faculty ([log in to unmask])" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]> cc: Terry J Mcgowan <[log in to unmask]>, ltran31 <[log in to unmask]>, Mimi Lewis Qurashi <[log in to unmask]>, Carol McHugh <[log in to unmask]>, Stephanie Carmack <[log in to unmask]>, Carolyn A Wilson <[log in to unmask]>
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April 14th , 2021

April 15    Carmen Canavier, Ph.D
April 17    Graduate and Job Applications
April 22    Ilkay Oksuz, Ph.D
April 24    Mock Interviews Workshop
May 13    BIOE Spring graduation, 11am
May 14    University Commencement, 2pm
May 17    Just In Time Career Fair

Spring 2021 Alternate Grading Options:
FALL 2021 registration priority dates:
4/20:  Graduate
4/22: Seniors (90+ credits earned)
4/26: Juniors (60-89 credits earned)
4/28: Sophomores (30-59 credits earned)
4/30: Freshmen (0-29 credits earned)
Graduate Student, Research and Senior Design Presentations
Friday May 7th, 2021 @ 10:30 am - 12:30 pm AND 1:30 pm – 3:45 pm
Undergraduate NEWS:
Overrides: Students who are taking Organic chemistry I and II this summer will have to request an override for the organic chemistry II lecture and lab. Please email

  *   For Organic lecture and lab - Dr. Kenneth Foreman - [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
For an override and include your name, Gnumber and CHEM section and CRN.
Study Elsewhere: Do you plan to take a class in summer elsewhere and not at Mason? Make sure to complete a Study Elsewhere<> form by TOMORROW, April 15th and send to Claudia Borke ([log in to unmask]). The class has to be approved by the UG dean’s office and the respective department/college BEFORE you can take the class. You will also have to attach a word document and explain your reason for this request. Unfortunately, financial reasons won’t be accepted.
CS 112 is now offered in SUMMER 2021.
Alternate Grading Options are back for Spring 2021. If you are graduating please read your options here:
AN XS in MATH 114 and 214 will suffice as a prerequisite for the BENG classes.

Appointments with your Bioengineering Academic Advisor and Success  Coach:
All scheduled advising appointments will be online. Use the appointment system SSC Campus -
You can also email me.

ADVISING OFFICE HOURS in for Registration questions: Monday April   19 and 26th from 3-5:00pm, Zoom Link: , Meeting ID: 672 425 0700, Passcode: 8AIpcC
Concerns about classes or other issues at Mason? Please let us know. Your information will be handled confidentially. Please follow this link:


BMES (Biomedical Engineering Society):
Local Chapter: President: Antarjot Kaur, Organization email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, Instagram: bmes_gmu, Twitter: @BmesGmu and snapchat: @Bmes_Gmu

BENG Seminar
April 15th  | 12:00 – 1:00 pm | Carmen Canavier, Ph.D, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 988 0549 4005       Passcode: 454698
Title: Responses of CA1 pyramidal neurons and midbrain dopamine neurons to sustained depolarization

April 22nd  | 12:00 – 1:00 pm |Ilkay Oksuz, Ph.D, Istanbul Technical University
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 988 0549 4005       Passcode: 454698
Title: Detection and Correction of Cardiac MRI Quality Issues Using Deep Learning

BIOE students – Find out  what your fellow students have done and what you will be doing in your senior year.
May 7th  | 10:30 am – 12:30 pm |BIOE Graduate Student and Research Presentations,
May 7th  | 1:30 pm – 3:45 pm |Senior Design Presentations

Nonprofit Careers Week 2021
Nonprofit Careers Week 2021 is coming up next week! The dates are from April 12 - April 16. University Career Services has developed a week of events to explore the diversity, vibrancy, and versatility of the world of nonprofit work. Nonprofits hire for all types of positions, and hire ALL majors!
Make sure to check your emails from Handshake to view all the details:
Nonprofit Student Intern Panel | Thursday, April 15 at 4:30 pm |  Learn how to gain experience in the nonprofit sector from a panel of Mason students currently interning at various local nonprofits. Co-led by Spring 2021 GMU Nonprofit Fellows. *Note: This event will also take place in-person in SUB I, 3400. Link:
International Careers in Nonprofits | Friday, April 16 at 12:00 pm | Are you interested in making a difference in global communities, or want to work in international education exchange, policy, or development? Join us to learn about nonprofits where you can make a global impact.

Career Development Workshop
Bioengineering Medical Society
Week 2 – Graduate and Job Applications | Saturday, April 17th | 12:00 – 2:00 pm | Click here<> for the link
Week 3 – Mock Interviews | Saturday, April 24th | 12:00 – 2:00 pm | Click here<> for the link

Just In Time Career Fair
Monday, May 17th | 3:00 – 6:00 pm | This virtual job fair is an opportunity for employers to network with students with all kinds of position, including internships, entry-level, and summer employment.

1800 NoVa Internship opportunities:

Unpaid Internship Scholarships
The Scholarship for Unpaid Internships is open to all Mason students (undergraduate AND graduate) who plan to participate in an unpaid internship and meet the criteria listed below. The Scholarship for Unpaid Internships is designed to provide financial support to students completing an UNPAID internship who may incur costs associated with the internship (e.g. transportation, wardrobe, materials, or lost wages from missed paid employment) that can be a challenge in obtaining valuable internship experience. Students may receive up to $2,500 per semester/term.
Note: Research positions are not eligible for this scholarship. Please visit OSCAR<> or your academic department for information about research funding.
Application deadline: August 3rd, 2021 at 11:55 pm.
Minimum requirements: Minimum 2.0 GPA, currently enrolled and degree-seeking student at GMU during the time of internship
Application materials: Current resume, a letter of recommendation, and short answer questions
For more information, please click here<>.

Configuration Analyst/Front-End Developer Intern
As a Configuration Analyst/Front-End Developer Intern at Vibrent Health You will be a member of the Implementation Services team. You will help other Configuration Analysts in configuring ground-breaking digital health research program surveys, content and experiences similar to Drupal or WordPress.
Application deadline: October 10, 2021 at 2:45 pm
Estimated salary: $12.00/hour
US work authorization: Will sponsor a work visa and accepts OPT/CPT
For more information, please visit:

Local Life Science Internship and Job Opportunities:
ZeoVation’s R&D Lab
ZeoVation<>'s R&D lab is seeking two post-doctoral fellows to work on antimicrobial additives. Click here<> for more information on this position. Please contact CEO Bo Wang ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) if you are interested in applying.
Aarthi Narayanan’s Lab
Aarthi Narayanan's lab, located in Mason's Biomedical Research Lab in Manassas, VA is seeking to hire a post-doctoral research fellow in Virology. Please click here<> to view the position description.

Biotechnology Summer Job Opportunity
The NSLC is looking for enthusiastic, hard-working individuals who enjoy working with high school students and have experience in the academic fields of our programs, leadership development, residential life, and/or office administration.
Job description: Team Advisors guide students through their NSLC experience. Each TA is responsible for a small group of 12-16 students. As a TA, you will: lead small group discussions and debriefs, teach academic and leadership sessions, assist Administrative staff, Professors and Leadership Facilitators with program components, serve as a chaperone during off-campus trips and evening social activities, and reside in the dormitory serving as a Resident Advisor.
Eligibility: Current college sophomores – recent graduates. Current freshmen are considered for the Assistant Team Advisor positions.
Duration: June 6 – July 2, 2021
Stipend: Stipend will be given as well as housing, food, and travel expenses will be covered
For more information, please visit this website<file:///C:/Users/ltran31/Downloads/NSLC%20Biotechnology%20Job%20Posting.pdf>.

Awards and Grants for graduate students from the Provost Office


Did you have an internship last summer and would like to tell us about it? Is your senior design group on the brink of making a global impact or you would like to share your lab experience here in the newsletter? Please email a short summary, picture and a confirmation for information release: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

Job and Mason Tutoring Services
Peer Mentor Center VSE | For appointments:
Or check out<>
University Career Services | University Career Services is now virtual. You can also schedule an appointment on Handshake.<> Our industry advisor is Ms. Dorothy Hayden. Link:
If you need to take headshot photos, please use the link:

Major/Career Exploration and Job/Internship Search Assistance:
Schedule a phone or video chat appointment through Handshake<>
Resume Reviews: Email your resume or cover letter for review, along with the position description of the job for which you're applying, to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Workshops and Employer Events: Check the calendar in Handshake<> for virtual career events
Top Three Digital Career Resources:
With your Mason Net ID and password you have complete access to premium digital platforms designed to augment your career readiness preparation. Here are the top three we recommend:

  *   InterviewStream<>: the perfect tool for a practice interview
  *   Vault<>: your go-to resource for employer and industry research
  *   LinkedIn Learning<>: a seemingly endless stream of educational programs, including certifications


SWE Scholarship

In 2020, the Society of Women Engineers awarded nearly 260 new and renewed scholarships valued at more than $1,000,000. SWE Scholarships support those who identify as a female/woman and are pursuing an associate, bachelor or graduate degree in engineering, engineering technology and computer science both in the United States and internationally.

If you will be a sophomore through Ph.D. candidate in the 2020-2021 academic year, apply online<> for a SWE Scholarship now through February 15, 2021. If you will be a freshman in the upcoming fall semester, you may apply March 1 through May 1, 2021. Learn more on our SWE scholarships page<>.

Students complete one application and are considered for all scholarships for which they are eligible. The application process is entirely online including submission of recommendation letters and transcripts.
The Volgenau School of Engineering offers several scholarships for both graduate and undergraduate students.

Contact Us<>
General: 703-993-5846<>, [log in to unmask]
Connect with us on Linkedin<>, Facebook<> and Twitter<>.
BMES twitter: @Bmes_Gmu

Claudia Borke
Academic Advisor and Success Coach
EMAIL: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
PHONE: 703-993-4190,  Leave message 24/7 and I will return your call

STUDENTS: Please use your MasonLive e-mail. Include name and G number!
Frequently Used Forms and Websites:
Declare concentration: (Fill out top and enter new concentration in “advisor use only” box)
Run Degree evaluation/audit:
How to check how other courses transfer to Mason:
Mason Core:

Claudia Borke
Academic Advisor, Department of Bioengineering
George Mason University
3102 Peterson Hall, 4400 University Drive, 1J7
Fairfax, VA 22030
Student advising: Appointments<>
Forms for undergraduate students:
[Mason CEC small]