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March 2015


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Claudia Borke <[log in to unmask]>
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Claudia Borke <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Mar 2015 19:22:22 +0000
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Join us for our exciting talk with Dr. Ajiboye from Case Western Reserve University in the Bioengineering Spring 2015 Seminar Series! We are expecting a bigger audience and have moved the location from our regular conference room to the fourth floor, ENGR 4201! Coffee and cookies are served. For more information on upcoming seminars, go to our website and check the events tab:
For visitors from outside Mason - Parking is best in the Shenandoah Parking Garage ( Bldg. 43 on the campus map) and the seminar is in the Nguyen Engineering Building (# 37):

When: Thursday - March 19th, 2015 @ 1:30 -2:30 PM
Location: ENGR 4201
Speaker: A. Bolu Ajiboye, Ph.D., Department of Biomedical Engineering,  Case Western Reserve University
Title: Re-Thinking Paralysis: BCIs and FES for Movement Restoration in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury
A. Bolu Ajiboye, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University. He also holds an appointment as a Biomedical Engineering Scientist at the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center. Dr. Ajiboye's main research interest is in the development and control of brain-computer-interface (BCI) neuroprosthetic technologies for restoring function to individuals who have experienced severely debilitating injuries to the nervous system, such as spinal cord injury and stroke.  Currently, he is interested in understanding at a systems level the relationships between the firing patterns of multi-neuronal networks and the kinetic (muscle activity and force) and kinematic (limb position and velocity) outputs of these neural systems in the control of upper-limb movements. The end goal of his research is to develop BCI systems that allow for more natural interactions with one's surrounding environment, and more natural control of assistive technologies, such as artificial limbs and functional electrical stimulation (FES) based systems. Additionally, his research focuses on understanding natural muscle coordination patterns involved in motor coordination, and how these patterns can be used in neuroprosthetic systems to restore lost or compromised function through FES.
Dr. Ajiboye has received both a junior and senior level Career Development Award from the Department of Veteran's Affairs. He received his dual BS degree in Biomedical and Electrical Engineering, as well as a minor in Computer Science, from Duke University (Durham, NC) in 2000.  He then received his Masters (2003) and Doctoral (2008) degrees from Northwestern University (Evanston, IL).

Cortically controlled neuroprostheses have long been posited as the "holy grail" for intracortical brain-computer-interfaces (iBCIs). The efficacy of iBCIs has advanced to the point where a small number of laboratories around the US are now involved in iBCI trials involving humans with chronic paralysis. As part of the Braingate2 Clinical Trial, we at Case Western Reserve University are investigating using iBCIs to control Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) systems for restoring functional arm movements to persons with chronic high cervical spinal cord injury. This lecture will highlight a number of our clinical, technological, and scientific advances towards developing an iBCI controlled FES arm neuroprosthesis. Additionally, this lecture will discuss the efficacy of non-microelectrode recording techniques for extracting movement related information from cortical signals. Specifically, we have used arrays of DBS-style depth electrodes to record from cortical areas not accessible by traditional microelectrode or electrocorticography (ECoG) arrays, such as deep within sulci walls of primary (M1), dorsal premotor (PMd), and insular cortices. We show grasp related cortical modulation useful for control of hand neuroprostheses. Finally, this lecture will briefly discuss hurdles towards development of chronically implanted clinically viable iBCI neuroprosthetic systems.

Claudia Borke
Program Administrator
Volgenau School of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering
3800 Nguyen Engineering Building, 1G5
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: (703) 993-4190
Fax: (703) 993-2077