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September 2019


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MS-STAT-L <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Sep 2019 19:42:02 +0000
Guoqing Diao <[log in to unmask]>
Guoqing Diao <[log in to unmask]>
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From: "Massimini, Vince" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 11:16 AM
To: WSS Electronic Mail List for Statistical Items of Interest <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: 2020 JSM Student Travel Award

2020 JSM Student Travel Award Application

The Washington Statistical Society (WSS) is offering a Student Travel Award for a local area student in a degree program (bachelors, masters, or doctoral) in the areas of statistics, survey methodology, or allied survey research disciplines. Support is offered for students to attend the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), to be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania August 1st to 6th 2020.

Applications must contain a letter of support either by a current member of the WSS or a faculty advisor, a copy of their transcripts, an essay, and a completed application. Applicants are strongly encouraged to plan to present a paper or poster at JSM 2020. The abstract submission deadline for JSM is February 4, 2020.  Applications for the WSS student travel award are      due no later than December 31, 2019.

One award will be granted to a student attending a school local to the DC, MD or VA area. The award will cover conference hotel and travel expenses up to $800, early-bird student conference registration, and a one-year student membership to the WSS.

In addition to attending the JSM sessions, the winner is expected to attend the Survey Research Methods Section Business Meeting in order to be recognized by the WSS. The winner is also expected to prepare an essay on his/her experience at the JSM to be published in the WSS Fall Newsletter.

Applicant Name: _____________________________________ Full time student [ ] Part-time [ ]

Department:        _____________________________________

University:          ______________________________________

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________

Email: __________________________________Phone: ______________________________

Degree: _________________________________Anticipated graduation date: _____________

Are you planning to present a paper or poster at JSM 2020? YES NO

If yes, paper or poster title? __________________________________________________

Are you currently or do you have plans to join the WSS mentoring program (or another ASA mentoring program)? If yes, please describe.            YES            NO

Have you previously attended any professional meeting on statistics, survey research, or a related discipline?             YES            NO

If YES, please describe (meeting(s), location(s), date(s)):

Signature of Applicant ___________________________________ Date Submitted ________

As a current WSS member and/or faculty advisor, I endorse this student’s request:

Signature:       _____________________________

Printed Name: _____________________________

Date:               _____________________________

2020 JSM Student Travel Award Application


[    ]   Copy of most recent transcript or advising report from your university.

[    ]   Double-spaced essay, no more than two pages, describing your interest in statistics/survey research methods and your interest in attending JSM.

[    ]   Letter of support from a current WSS member or faculty advisor.

Application materials should be sent to Erin Tanenbaum ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) by email with the subject “WSS Student Travel Award”. Application materials (including transcripts and letters of support) will not be accepted after the deadline or with an incorrect subject.

Phone: (301)-634-9405.

Applications must be received by December 31, 2019.

Erin Tanenbaum

NORC at the University of Chicago

4350 East-West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814

[log in to unmask] | office (301) 634-9405