Dear grad students, please see below. Kristen & Weiyu: thanks for sharing and organizing! Martin Slawski Department of Statistics Volgenau School of Engineering George Mason University 4400 University Drive, MS 4A7 Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Office: Nguyen Engineering Building, Room 1708 Phone: (703)993-1690 Hi everyone,we will have our first "Meet with alumni" event this coming Friday (8 pm). It will be a zoom meeting, and everyone interested is cordially invited!The goal of this event series is to build a connection between current students and alumni. The current form is a 15 min experience sharing from the speaker and a 15 min ask me anything type of conversation. We have many stellar alumni working in many different fields, and we will invite them to share their working experience and their journey at GMU.This week, we are fortunate enough to have Xiaochen (Charles) Zhu as our speaker. Xiaochen obtained his Ph.D. from our department last year, and he also did his Masters degree here. His research interest includes ROC curve estimation and biostatistics. His Ph.D. supervisors are Prof. Larry Tang and Prof. Martin Slawski. Currently, he is a senior manager in Biostatistics at Bristol Myers Squibb.You may join the event through the invitation below.Topic: Meeting with alumni: Xiaochen Zhu Time: Sep 3, 2021 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting Passcode: gzC79f (edited) All the best, The SGSA