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November 2020


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Brett D Hunter <[log in to unmask]>
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Brett D Hunter <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Nov 2020 14:13:28 +0000
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Hi students,

Dr. Lee has heard from several students interested in taking both STAT 676 and SYST/OR 664, which are currently scheduled simultaneously on Monday from 4:30 - 7:10pm in the spring.  Thus, we are exploring the option of moving STAT 676 to Wednesdays during the 7:20 - 10:00pm time slot.

Please contact me by Thursday, November 19 if either of these apply to you:

  1.  You plan to enroll in the class (or are currently enrolled) and this Wednesday timeslot causes you an issue.
  2.  You were not planning to enroll due to the time conflict but will enroll if the class is switched to the Wednesday time slot.

Additionally, I want to note that Dr. Lee plans on using R to perform statistical analyses in STAT 676.  Thus, the recommended prerequisite of "Working knowledge of SAS" in the catalog entry for STAT 676 is not relevant in the spring.  Feel free to contact Dr. Lee if you have concerns about the level of R needed for the class.

-Dr. Hunter

Brett D. Hunter, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor and Associate Chair of Education

Department of Statistics

Volgenau School of Engineering

George Mason University