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January 2017


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Linda J Davis <[log in to unmask]>
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Linda J Davis <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 9 Jan 2017 10:08:25 +0000
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Dr. Davis

From: Kathryn B. Laskey
Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2017 4:16 PM
To: Linda J Davis
Subject: GRA opening - please advertise to students

Graduate Research Assistant:  Inference Enterprise Modeling

The George Mason University C4I and Cyber Center is seeking a graduate research assistant to support a project in inference enterprise modeling.  The purpose of the research is to develop models to predict the performance of enterprises devoted to detecting insider threats.  Current approaches to insider threat detection and mitigation are largely reactive and lack rigorous evaluation methodology. The research addresses this deficiency by developing a multi-modeling framework and testbed to aggregate predictions of multiple models. The framework and testbed are applied to a series of challenge problems to predict the performance of real-world inference enterprises at detecting insider threats.

The successful candidate will be pursuing a MS or PhD degree in statistics, systems engineering, computer science, computational science, machine learning, operations research, cyber security, or a related field.  Desirable methodological background includes statistical data analysis and modeling, systems engineering, system architecture, enterprise modeling, information technology, machine learning, Bayesian inference, artificial intelligence, semantic technology, discrete event modeling, and decision theory.  Experience in cyber security and insider threat detection is beneficial.

Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae to:

Kathryn Blackmond Laskey
Associate Director, C4I and Cyber Center
Systems Engineering and Operations Research Department
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030
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