Dear Students,
Below please find an announcement for summer internship opportunities from Air Force Research Laboratory. Please find more information in the attached flyer and brochure.
Jammie Chang
Academic Program Manager
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MSN 1G5
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: 703-993-1570
Fax: 703-993-1601
On behalf of the Air Force Research Laboratory, you are invited to encourage your best and brightest students to participate in the 2016 summer internship program sponsored by the Directed Energy and Space Vehicles Directorates. AFRL Scholars Program is a unique opportunity for students who are interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
The application for the 2016 summer program opens on November 3, 2015, and the AFRL will be accepting applications from students with top academic credentials and an interest in science, engineering, and mathematics. Students from undergraduate and graduate-level studies are eligible for the program. Graduate students also have the opportunity to continue their thesis research, provided the AFRL topic coincides with their research objectives.
Students will intern within the Space Vehicles or Directed Energy directorates, facilitated by close interaction with fellow scholars and AFRL scientists and engineers in one of several research areas of interest. They will have the unique opportunity to participate in stimulating research efforts that directly contribute to the Nation's defense, while developing skills and contacts that will be of great value when they join the professional workforce. We hope that you will support these programs by promoting these summer research opportunities to students. Please encourage your students to visit the AFRL Scholars website now and begin gathering the necessary documents for the application process. Please share this information with all students who might be interested in the program.
For more information and a full list of eligibility requirements, please visit the AFRL Scholars website at:<>
Direct application link:
Email questions: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Flyer& Brochure: See attached files, AFRL Scholars Program Summer 2016.pdf and AFRL Brochure.pdf.
Apply Now! The summer 2016 application deadline is January 19, 2016.
Thank you,
AFRL Program Administration
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