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January 2022


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Patricia M Sahs <[log in to unmask]>
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Patricia M Sahs <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 14 Jan 2022 14:59:13 +0000
Dear Students,

Welcome to Spring 2022 semester!

As you are getting ready with class registration, I would like to give you some details on the seminar attendance (ECE 795) and the scholarly paper (ECE 797) requirements. Please note that if you are choosing the thesis path (ECE 799), you do not need ECE 797.

ECE 795 is a 0-credit course which requires students to attend 6 ECE approved seminars during their studies. You can start attending seminars as early as you wish, but you need to keep track of your attendance on the Seminar Attendance Record form (see attached). At the beginning of your graduation semester, you will need to register for ECE 795. Once you have attended all 6 seminars, please return your completed seminar attendance sheet to me.
ECE approved seminars are posted on the ECE website at the following link: Events | Electrical and Computer Engineering (<>. Only seminars listed there will count towards the seminar attendance requirement.
In-person seminars require the signature of one faculty attending the presentation.
Virtual seminars do not require signatures, but you must be sure to register to the Zoom meeting by using your Mason ID.

ECE 797 is a 0-credit course which requires students to register concurrently to a scholarly paper supporting course. You need to have successfully passed at least 18 credits of coursework before signing up. Attached is the list of the ECE 797 supporting courses. The scholarly paper consists of a written report and an oral presentation done during class time.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.

Best regards,

Patricia Sahs

Academic Program Coordinator

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

George Mason University

4400 University Drive, MSN 1G5

Fairfax, VA 22030

Phone: 703-993-1523<>