On Friday, August 25th at approximately 3:00am, the last waitlist overrides will be issued to students that are waitlisted for your sections. Those students will have the normal 72-hour period to use their override to register for the seat that has been reserved. Students will no longer be able to waitlist for your classes after Thursday. On Monday, August 28th at approximately 3:00am, all students that remain on the waitlist will be dropped and the waitlist limits on your sections will be reset to zero.
If your instructors want to have a list of the students that were waitlisted to give priority consideration for force-adds, they will need to print their class list (which will include the waitlisted status students) by Sunday since those students will no longer appear on the class list as of Monday.
Once the waitlisted students are dropped on Monday, any seats that become available in a section are open on a first-come, first-serve basis via Patriot Web. If your department wants to control the enrollment of any section to give priority to the students that were waitlisted, you will need to add the control to those sections in CLSS by changing the "Control" field on the section to "Yes" and submitting the change. If a seat opens in the section, the instructor then my issue an override to a student so they can register for the open seat.
Bob Osgood (SSA FBI - Retired)
Director - Digital Forensics & Data Analytics
George Mason University
Engr 3255
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
[15-003_GMUunitilogos_VSE_1line4C Small]
From: Mason Registrar Scheduling
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 10:18 AM
Subject: Waitlist Options for Fall
Hi Everyone,
On Friday, August 25th at approximately 3:00am, the last waitlist overrides will be issued to students that are waitlisted for your sections. Those students will have the normal 72-hour period to use their override to register for the seat that has been reserved. Students will no longer be able to waitlist for your classes after Thursday. On Monday, August 28th at approximately 3:00am, all students that remain on the waitlist will be dropped and the waitlist limits on your sections will be reset to zero.
If your instructors want to have a list of the students that were waitlisted to give priority consideration for force-adds, they will need to print their class list (which will include the waitlisted status students) by Sunday since those students will no longer appear on the class list as of Monday.
Once the waitlisted students are dropped on Monday, any seats that become available in a section are open on a first-come, first-serve basis via Patriot Web. If your department wants to control the enrollment of any section to give priority to the students that were waitlisted, you will need to add the control to those sections in CLSS by changing the "Control" field on the section to "Yes" and submitting the change. If a seat opens in the section, the instructor then my issue an override to a student so they can register for the open seat.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Anne Firth
Academic Scheduling Manager
Office of the University Registrar
Fairfax Campus on Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 7:00am-3:30pm 703-993-2455
Tuesday and Friday available 7:00am-3:30pm via email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or by leaving a
message at 703-993-2455. I will return your call as soon as possible.