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September 2016


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Robert Osgood <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Robert Osgood <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 15 Sep 2016 19:40:33 +0000
The Department of Homeland Security - Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) is looking for interns.  Please see the attached documents.


The Student Volunteer Program (SVP) offers non-paid volunteer service training opportunities. The program focuses on professional development through experiences outside of the educational institution. Students gain challenging and dynamic on-the-job experience in a variety of subject matters within Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). These opportunities help students gain work experience related to their academic program, explore career options and develop personal and professional skills. Program experiences often:

Allow exploration early in a student's academic career
Experience a panel interview with federal law enforcement agents
Provide exposure to new and emerging occupations
Give academic credit for work performed, with the approval of the educational institution
Provide experience that may enhance a student's ability to obtain paying jobs in the future

Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Cyber Crimes Center (C3), Cyber Crime Unit (CCU) allows an intern the opportunity to explore his or her interests with an experience that may enhance his or her ability to obtain a future career in the field of federal law enforcement, with a specialty in computer enabled crimes. Although the intern will not have access to sensitive information, and the duties will primarily be administrative in nature, there is an opportunity to discuss career goals and interview both Special Agents and other cyber professionals working within C3. Additionally the student may set a schedule around his or her academic courses within the core operating hours of Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. An intern's schedule can be set for a maximum of five eight hour days or a minimum of sixteen hours per week to be structured either by two full days or four half days. Once a student sets the schedule it is expected that he or she maintain a regular work routine. An intern's participation can vary but will usually last - one semester; 120 days; or until a set number of participatory hours are achieved as set forth by the sponsoring University/College.

Students must be a U.S. citizen, able to obtain and hold a security clearance and must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate accredited degree program in order to participate.
As requirements and documents from the sponsoring University/College can vary, it is incumbent upon the student to gather all necessary forms from their University/College in order to receive credit for participation*. HSI will only complete these documents once a student has applied, interviewed and accepted an offer to participate.
APPLICATION DEADLINES AND INTERVIEW: Only a few spots are available and not all applicants will be invited to interview. Be mindful of the below timeline as some documents require staff's original signature on letterhead. Students may deliver the application packet in person, scanned e-mail attachments or first class mail postmarked on the day of, or prior to, the deadline. Interviews will be conducted at C3. Documents will be processed and general questions will be answered by members of C3, which is located at 11320 Random Hills Road, in Fairfax, VA 22030.

SUMMER January 31st application packet due; February interview and a May/June start date.
FALL May 31st application packets due; June interview and a September/October start date.
SPRING September 30th application packet due; October interview and a December/January start date.

Bob Osgood (SSA FBI - Retired)
Director - Computer Forensics & Data Analytics
George Mason University
Engr 3255
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

[15-003_GMUunitilogos_VSE_1line4C Small]

From: Suarez, Carlos [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 10:45 AM
To: Robert Osgood <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Student Internship at HSI

Mr. Osgood,

I received your contact information from Jamie Holt, our Unit Chief here with the Cyber Crimes Unit (CCU), and have been asked to start the process for this collaboration between George Mason University and HSI.

I am not sure if you would be the approving party or not, but I have included the documentation required for our Student Volunteer Program, as well as an announcement for the opportunity.  I would imagine the legal counsel at GMU is going to want to go over the agreement and make sure it is amenable.  Any help to get this cooperative effort off the ground is greatly appreciate.

I know you are a former FBI agent, so I will just quickly breakdown what each attachment is, in case you forward this email.  The advertisement is as it states, for the purposes of dissemination to the student base.  The working agreement is a Workforce Management document which needs to be completed for inclusion in the program - basically describes the internship.  The letter of verification is a sample for GMU faculty and staff of the letter needed to accompany the student's application, confirming their status and good -standing as a student.  Finally, the OF306 is the form used to capture the student's biographical information for background investigation purposes.

Thanks in advance for your assistance with this matter,

Carlos Suarez | Special Agent
DHS - ICE | Homeland Security Investigations-Cyber Crimes Center (TDY)
11320 Random Hills Road| Fairfax, Virginia 22030
816.914.4959 (Cell)
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