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September 2009


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Jyh-Ming Lien <[log in to unmask]>
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Jyh-Ming Lien <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 3 Sep 2009 13:23:47 -0400
text/plain (62 lines)
Hi All,

Please come and join us our first seminar talk of the semester
next Friday noon (Sept 11).


*    GRAND Seminar


Digital Geometry and 3D Imagery: Topological Methods

12:00am, September 11, Friday, 2009, ENGR 4201


Li Chen
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology
University of the District of Columbia


In this talk, we will focus on digital geometry and topology methods of
3D image processing and computer vision. We first introduce
connectivities in digital space and algorithms for component extraction.
Then we discuss digital surfaces and manifolds including their
recognition procedures. We will also present fast algorithms to compute
invariants such as genus and homology groups for 3D objects in 3D space.
Finally, we will discuss the methods for high dimensional cloud point
data processing including persistent analysis and its relationship to
manifold learning.

*Short Bio*

Dr. Li Chen is an associate professor of computer science at the
University of the District of Columbia. He is currently working on
problems in image segmentation algorithms, complexity analysis of
algebraic groups, and the relationship between finite elements and
gradually varied fitting. Li Chen received his BS, MS, and Ph.D. all in
CS from Wuhan University (1982), Utah State University (1995), and the
University of Bedfordshire (Luton, UK, 2001), respectively. His work
includes: 1) The definitions of digital surfaces and manifolds; 2)
Digital surface points classifications; and 3) The lambda-connected
search algorithm for image segmentation, a dual-technique to threshold
segmentation, the most popular segmentation method.

*Jyh-Ming Lien*
Assistant Professor, George Mason University