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October 2019


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MS-BIOE-L <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 17 Oct 2019 14:26:33 +0000
Claudia Borke <[log in to unmask]>
Claudia Borke <[log in to unmask]>
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Please see ad below,

Claudia Borke

From: Bunyavanich, Supinda <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 4:43 PM
Subject: Bioinformatician and Post-doc positions available in NYC

My lab at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City has new openings for a bioinformatician and a postdoctoral fellow, and I would be grateful if you could put me in touch with any potential candidates and disseminate this email as widely as possible to your program's students and alumni. We are an energetic research group that studies the integrative genomics of asthma and allergic diseases in human cohorts.

More information on these positions can be found here:<> as well as below. Our bioinformaticians and postdocs receive generous packages, including robust salaries and a wealth of opportunities to participate in academic activities here at the Institute for Data Science and Genomic Technology<> and more broadly at regional, national, and international meetings. We are located in the heart of Manhattan, and Mount Sinai is one of the oldest and largest teaching hospitals in the US.

Thanks very much!
Supinda Bunyavanich, MD, MPH, MPhil
Associate Director, Jaffe Food Allergy Institute
Associate Professor
Institute for Data Science and Genomic Technology
Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences
Department of Pediatrics- Allergy/Immunology
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
1425 Madison Avenue #1498, New York, NY 10029 USA
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | Tel. +1.212.659.8262<>

Bunyavanich Lab: Positions available in New York City

The Bunyavanich Lab<> welcomes talented, self-motivated individuals who can fulfill the responsibilities and requirements below to apply for positions in our lab at the Institute for Data Science and Genomic Technology<>, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY.  The successful applicant will be part of an interdisciplinary team led by Dr. Supinda Bunyavanich<> that applies computational analysis and bioinformatics to interpret multi-scale data generated from subjects with asthma and allergic diseases. Our researchers receive generous packages, including robust salaries and a wealth of opportunities to participate in academic activities here at the Institute for Data Science and Genomic Technology<> and more broadly at regional and national workshops and conferences. We are located in the heart of Manhattan, and Mount Sinai is one of the oldest and largest teaching hospitals in the US.


  *   Analyze high-throughput sequence data.
  *   Develop and implement methods to analyze these data.
  *   Maintain large datasets linked to clinical data.
  *   Communicate progress with PI regularly and contribute to the success of the research team.
  *   Develop and maintain productive collaborations within Mount Sinai and with outside researchers in academia and industry.
  *   Publish and present novel research findings in academic journals and conferences
  *   Some supervision of trainees and technical staff may also be required.


  *   Degree in bioinformatics, computer science, computational biology, genomics, or a related field.
  *   Outstanding programming skills in R, Python, and Unix shell scripting.
  *   Excellent track record of analyzing sequence data. Experience with clinical cohorts and microbiome analysis a plus.
  *   Demonstrated knowledge of statistics and statistical genetics. Familiarity with genomic data tools, repositories, and databases.
  *   Strong attention to detail and solid analytical skills.
  *   Ability to work hard and independently while contributing to the team effort and adhering to deadlines.
  *   Excellent oral and written communication skills with track record of productive collaborations.
  *   Demonstrated ability to work concurrently on several projects, and good understanding of analytic complexities to do independent research as well as assist other researchers.

The Institute for Data Science and Genomic Technology<> at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai<> seeks to comprehensively integrate the digital universe of information into research, training, and patient care and to develop programs that advance the future of healthcare and data science.

Interested and qualified candidates should submit a CV and detailed letter of interest to Dr. Supinda Bunyavanich (Supinda.Bunyavanich at<>).