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May 2016


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Sachin Garg <[log in to unmask]>
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Mason Big Data Network <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 19 May 2016 12:03:03 -0400
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    Big Data: It's Everywhere. And So Are We.

Big Data Everywhere is a half-day conference focused on Hadoop, Spark
and other big data technologies that brings together users and
developers to share their experience via technical sessions and user
success stories. Industry and technical experts will share their
knowledge, share best practices, and discuss use cases and business

Big Data Everywhere DC will bring together speakers to address both the
commercial and federal audiences.

    Featured Talks

      How comScore Scales to Process 100,000 Jobs/Day

        Mike Brown, CTO of comScore

comScore first started adopting Hadoop in 2009 and it quickly has become
the standard method for crunching the proprietary data that it collects
into actionable insights for its clients. In this talk, you will hear
about the design and decision points that comScore encountered on its
Hadoop journey.

      Bridging the Data Governance Chasm

        Jay Zaidi, Managing Partner, AlyData

Organizations are inundated with data and are having to deal with a
highly fragmented data landscape - on-premise and in the cloud. In this
new world, securing data assets, ensuring accountability, cataloging
critical assets and ensuring adequate data quality is very challenging.
The problems are compounded by the fact that most governance teams
aren't equipped to deal with Big Data. In this session, I will discuss
some observations related to our experience with clients and how we've
utilized proprietary methodologies coupled with a structured approach to
streamline governance.

      Using Data Intelligence to Separate Fact from Fiction on the Dark Web

        Tyler Carbone, COO of Terbium Labs

Much myth surrounds the Dark Web. In fact, even defining it is a
challenge, and often it is described in vague, sensationalized terms. As
the company behind Matchlight, the world’s first fully private, fully
automated Dark Web data intelligence system, Terbium Labs has observed
that while the Dark Web is large, it is not intractably so. The Dark Web
primarily consists of several thousand domains and a few hundred forums
and marketplaces where illegal content and materials are most often
traded. In this session, Tyler Carbone, Chief Operating Officer of
Terbium Labs, will present detailed statistics about the types of
content that are most notable. He’ll describe examples relating to fraud
and data theft and show that by using a data intelligence approach,
organizations can truly light a candle instead of cursing the darkness.


Sachin Garg PhD Candidate, Public Policy & Big Data School of Policy, Government &
Intl. Affairs George Mason University 3351 Fairfax Drive MS3B1,
Arlington, VA 22201, USA Phone: +1-703-993-3787 Cell: +1-571-222-3216