September 2008


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Sean Luke <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 26 Sep 2008 23:32:19 -0400
text/plain (49 lines)
hwaccel no longer matters in most modern versions of OS X, so it's there 
just for legacy now.

Quaqua is better in many respects, but it already does some GUI tweaking 
that MASON has done, so doubling it looks bad.  The item we're borrowing 
from Quaqua right now is the color picker.


Miles Parker wrote:
> Besides that and Quaqua (how do you like that btw?) I'm just seeing 
> HW its a nice idea to set the system property -- 
> normally I wouldn't as it could override a user option -- but as it is 
> so bad w/o and the OpenGL is so useless..
> On Sep 26, 2008, at 5:48 AM, Sean Luke wrote:
>> This system property is one of the items I'm setting programmatically. 
>> See the static { } regions of Display2D, Display3D, and Console.
>> Note that it's gonna get ignored by applets no matter what.  :-(
>> Sean
>> Miles Parker wrote:
>>> Doesn't..
>>> still work? I've just installed Update 2 and Java 2D seems fine with 
>>> this vm argument. Of course its a pig without..
>>> But it would be nice to not have to.. are you forcing 
>>> programmatically at runtime? If so, please share the recipe.. :)
>>> On Sep 25, 2008, at 9:43 PM, Sean Luke wrote:
>>>> Been seeing HeatBugs and Ant slow down to molasses-level speeds 
>>>> lately?  You're probably on MacOS X Leopard.  As part of releasing 
>>>> Java 1.6, Apple's been migrating from its Quartz-based Java2D 
>>>> graphics renderer to Sun's OpenGL-based renderer.  Problem is, Sun's 
>>>> renderer is much slower.  Even more of a problem: Apple has recently 
>>>> moved to do this by default for 1.5 as well, and on 1.5, Sun's 
>>>> renderer is _really_ pathetic.
>>>> I have made a few modifications to MASON so that Java is forced to 
>>>> use the Quartz renderer on Macs.  Things are now back to acceptable 
>>>> speeds.  These modifications are on CVS along with other recent 
>>>> changes.  If you would like a snapshot and can't do CVS, let me know.
>>>> Sean