May 2012


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Mark Coletti <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
MASON Multiagent Simulation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 9 May 2012 23:57:21 -0400
text/plain (1375 bytes) , text/html (2262 bytes)
I'm having problems with a MASON simulation whereby I have a
ParallelSequence of RandomSequences that seems to deadlock on the RNG.
 When creating the RandomSequences I did specify via the ctor argument that
invocations of the RNG to do the shuffle should be synchronized.  (I.e.,
"shouldSynchronize" is true.)  I see in the debugger that all the
ParallelSequence threads are waiting on sim.engine.Schedule, but I cannot
find what else has a lock on that.  I *think* that the Schedule.step()
itself has a lock on it, but I'm not sure if I'm interpreting the debugger
display correctly.  My worry is this language in the RandomSequence
documentation: "... and elsewhere in your embedded steppables you're
synchronizing on the Schedule first (the Schedule is the basic lock point
for MASON's models)."  I'm not sure what that means.  What embedded
Steppables?  And where and when should they be synchronizing on Schedule?

As an aside, I'm curious on why there wasn't a synchronize on state.random,
itself, instead of the scheduler if all we want to do is eliminate race
conditions on the RNG.

(And one consideration for moving MASON up to Java 1.5 support are more
concurrent software development goodies such as "volatile" now functioning
as a mini-monitor for variables.)

(Also, there is some synchronizing on non-final fields badness, such as the
boolean array lock object.)

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