May 2014


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Swarmfest 2014 <[log in to unmask]>
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MASON Multiagent Simulation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 May 2014 12:41:35 -0400
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18th Annual SwarmFest Conference

Call for Abstracts
June 29th – July 1, 2014
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN, USA
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Call for Abstracts:

      The Swarm Development Group, in conjunction with the University of
Notre Dame Computer Science & Engineering Department, invites the
submission of Abstracts for the 18th Annual SwarmFest Conference, to be
held at the University of Notre Dame from June 29th – July 1st, 2014.

      SwarmFest is the annual meeting of the Swarm Development Group, one
of the oldest communities involved with the development and propagation of
agent-based modeling.  The meeting brings together both users and
developers of agent based models across many domains, including computer
science, software engineering, biology, ecology, economics, political
science, social science, public health/safety and resource management.

      The goal of the conference is to share research and experiences
within the agent-based modeling community, and to further guide and enhance
future research efforts.  Submissions are encouraged for any area of
agent-based modeling.

      To submit your work for consideration, please send an extended
abstract to [log in to unmask]  The deadline for abstracts is June
1st.  All accepted submissions will be expected to deliver a 20-30 minute
presentation. All presenters will also be encouraged to bring an optional
poster for a separate poster session.


      Early registration is $200 standard and $100 for students by June
1st, and increases to $250 standard and $125 for students after June 1st.
 Meals and refreshments will be provided.  For lodging, a block of rooms
have been reserved at the Morris Inn on the Notre Dame campus, across from
the conference center.  See the conference website
for further details.


Early Registration Deadline is June 1st
Submission Deadline is June 1st
Conference: June 29th – July 1, 2014