On Jul 20, 2012, at 8:27 PM, Chris Hollander wrote:
> It looks like it should be okay for the moment, but doesn't
> protected abstract double getNextTime(SimState state, double currentTime);
> force the user to make use of Mason's random number generator, which
> if I recall only supports uniform and Gaussian distributions? Granted,
> you can use those to generate random variates of other types, but I'm
> not sure what the performance impact might be.
That's not how random number generators work. When you pick a random number from a distribution, you're not using a different generator. You're just using the core generator (in our case, Mersenne Twister) to pick a uniform number, and then the distribution is transforming it into a number selected from under the distribution. Thus you never need anything more than the core generator passed in, and in fact if you're using a different generator on top of that then there's probably something seriously wrong with your model.
For example, to use my code with a basic stateless distribution (found in the Distributions class) like Power Law, you could do:
Steppable step = ...
double initialTime = 5.0;
int initialOrdering = 0;
RandomRepeat repeat = new RandomRepeat(step, initialOrdering, false)
protected double getNextTime(SimState state, double currentTime)
// return PowerLaw() + 1.0, with exponent=2.0 and lower cutoff=1.0
return currentTime + Distributions.nextPowLaw(2.0, 1.0, state.random) + 1.0;
state.schedule.scheduleOnce(initialTIme, initialOrdering, repeat);
For a stateful distribution which requires its own instance, you attach the Mersenne Twister RNG during the constructor like this::
Steppable step = ...
double initialTime = 5.0;
int initialOrdering = 0;
final Logarithmic lg = new Logarithmic(p, state.random);
RandomRepeat repeat = new RandomRepeat(step, initialOrdering, false)
protected double getNextTime(SimState state, double currentTime)
// return Logarithmic() + 1.0, say...
return currentTime + lg.nextDouble() + 1.0;
state.schedule.scheduleOnce(initialTIme, initialOrdering, repeat);