July 2010


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Steven Saul <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
MASON Multiagent Simulation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 19 Jul 2010 16:44:58 -0400
text/plain (76 lines)
Found the error, as usual simple foolishness on my part.  parallel
sequence does work like a charm!

Some text forthcoming about my project and publications in response to
your proposal note.


> Parallel sequences should work like a charm: for example MASON's
> HeatBugs example uses one.
> We recently had some discussion on the list about making sure that the
> parallel sequence's threads are properly gathered by simulation's end,
> but that shouldn't affect you at all.
> The entire of a parallel sequence will be executed in one step.  So
> for example if you want all your fish to gather read-only (be
> threadsafe remember) information about their world, and have four CPUs
> on your machine, you could create a ParallelSequence which holds four
> Sequences, and load your fish, roughly balanced, into those four
> Sequences.  Each time the schedule steps, all the fish will be stepped
> once.
> Some possible places where you might be making an error: any chance
> you're rescheduling your fish agents rather than rescheduling the
> ParallelSequence?  And don't use a RandomSequence inside a
> ParallelSequence.
> Sean
> On Jul 19, 2010, at 3:31 PM, Steven Saul wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> Quick question:  should a parallel sequence work when running my
>> simulation using the GUI?  I use the GUI just to de-bug and make
>> sure I
>> coded something correctly.  With the parallel sequence, the simulation
>> seems to go from start right to the end without stepping anything.  It
>> runs fine on the command line.  I assume this is a coding error on my
>> side, but just wanted to make sure.
>> Otherwise, I nearly have the whole sim parallelized including events
>> that
>> don't happen each time step such as initialziation of objects and
>> recuitment events.
>> Thanks,
>> Steve
>> --
>> Steven Saul, M.A.
>> Graduate Assistant, Marine Biology and Fisheries
>> Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies
>> Cooperative Unit for Fisheries Education and Research
>> University of Miami - RSMAS
>> 4600 Rickenbacker Cswy.
>> Miami, Florida  33149
>> + 1 305-421-4831

Steven Saul, M.A.
Graduate Assistant, Marine Biology and Fisheries
Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies
Cooperative Unit for Fisheries Education and Research
University of Miami - RSMAS
4600 Rickenbacker Cswy.
Miami, Florida  33149
+ 1 305-421-4831