December 2010


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Mark Coletti <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
MASON Multiagent Simulation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 15 Dec 2010 15:48:55 -0500
text/plain (42 lines)
On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 6:12 PM, vlasios voudouris
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi mark,
> Good luck with the PhD viva.

Thank you!  I passed, so I'm now officially "ABD."  And I must once
again apologize for the tardy response -- my world was a little
consumed preparing for my proposal defense and comps.

> I got GeoMason from the Google Code Subversion.

Ok, that's one less factor to worry about.

> From what I can infer you're trying to dynamically render
> the color for each geometry based on looking up some real value from
> an agent?
> Yes. What I  do is  to updated the  color of the geometry using some real
> value from a matching agent

Right, this is very similar to what happens in the "colorworld" demo
that's found in the GeoMason contrib directory.

> Now, the code works which means that the map is updated but I have to click
> on the map (it seems that my clicking on the map the repaint method is
> invoked). What I fail to do is to make the update automatically.
> The question is how can I force the display to update the color of the
> geometry by calling the public void draw(Object object, Graphics2D graphics,
> DrawInfo2D info) at the end of each simulation?

This is odd since that should happen automatically -- there should be
no need to manually poke the display to have it update.  I presume
that the draw() function you mentioned is part of a class that extends
GeomPortrayal, as happens in the "colorworld" demo?  And that it
similarly is set up in a GUIState subclass as occurs in that demo?  If
not, what are the differences?


Mark Coletti
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