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Date: | Thu, 30 Jul 2015 15:16:52 -0400 |
Content-Type: | multipart/mixed |
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I have a simple agent spawning a child in an Object2Dgrid and I am having difficulty overcoming an issue that can be seen in the three pictures.
One is the run and when it occupies the next space I expect it to stop.
Two is the space occupied and Three is two steps later when the agent has teleported through the occupied cell and spawned once again.
Here is a copy of the Agent code.
Any advice will be gratefully received.
Kind regards
Stewart Aitken
package sim.alg1;
import sim.engine.SimState;
import sim.engine.Steppable;
import sim.field.grid.Grid2D;
import sim.field.grid.ObjectGrid2D;
import sim.util.Bag;
import sim.util.Int2D;
import sim.util.IntBag;
* Created by Your PC on 14/06/2015.
public class Agent implements Steppable {
public static final int gridWidth = 12;
public static final int gridHeight = 10;
private int myX, myY, nextX, nextY;
private double age;
// This constructor for offspring
public Agent(){
age = 0.0;
public Agent(SimEnviro theModel) {
age = 1.0;
public void placeFirstAgent(SimEnviro theModel) {
ObjectGrid2D mySpace = theModel.getAgentSpace();
do {
myX = theModel.random.nextInt(gridWidth);
myY = theModel.random.nextInt(gridHeight);
while (mySpace.field[myX][myY] != null);
mySpace.field[myX][myY] = this;
public void step(SimState state) {
public void replicate(SimState state) {
SimEnviro theModel = (SimEnviro) state;
Bag theAgents = theModel.getAgents();
ObjectGrid2D mySpace = theModel.getAgentSpace();
Bag vNObjects = new Bag(4);
IntBag xNeighbors = new IntBag(4);
IntBag yNeighbors = new IntBag(4);
mySpace.getVonNeumannNeighbors(myX, myY, 1, Grid2D.BOUNDED, false, vNObjects, xNeighbors, yNeighbors);
int len = xNeighbors.size();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
Agent child = new Agent();
nextX = mySpace.tx(xNeighbors.get(i));
nextY = mySpace.tx(yNeighbors.get(i));
if (mySpace.field[nextX][nextY]== null) {
System.out.print(" nextX = " + nextX);
System.out.println(" : NextY = " + nextY);
mySpace.field[nextX][nextY] = child;
child.myX = nextX;
child.myY = nextY;
} myX = nextX; myY = nextY; age++;
private void checkIfFinished(Bag theAgents) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub