June 2005


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MASON Multiagent Simulation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 Jun 2005 11:43:58 -0400
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MASON Multiagent Simulation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
multipart/mixed; boundary=Apple-Mail-4-524601424
Liviu Panait <[log in to unmask]>
To: MASON Multiagent Simulation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (84 bytes) , (2053 bytes) , text/plain (4 kB)
I put together some code that's supposed to do what you desire.  Here's
the java file:

import sim.engine.*; import ec.util.*; import sim.field.grid.*; public class dele extends SimState     {     public dele(long seed)         {         super(new MersenneTwisterFast(seed), new Schedule(2));         }     public void start()         {         super.start();                 for(int i=0;i<5;i++)                 {                         Steppable parent = new Steppable()                         {                                 public void step(SimState state)                                 {                                         System.out.println("PARENT");                                 }                         };                         schedule.scheduleRepeating(Schedule.EPOCH,0,parent,1);                 }                 Steppable reproduction = new Steppable()                 {                         public void step(SimState state)                         {                                 for(int i=0;i<2;i++)                                 {                                         Steppable child = new Steppable()                                         {                                                 public void step(SimState state)                                                 {                                                         System.out.println("CHILD");                                                 }                                         };                                         schedule.scheduleRepeating(schedule.time()+1,0,child,1);                                 }                         }                 };                 schedule.scheduleRepeating(5, 1, reproduction, 4);         }     public static void main(String[] args)         {         dele dele = new dele(System.currentTimeMillis());         dele.start();         long steps = 0;         while(steps < 20)                 {             if (!dele.schedule.step(dele))                 break;                         steps = dele.schedule.getSteps();                         System.out.println("");                 }         dele.finish();         System.exit(0);         } }
Here's the output: PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT CHILD PARENT CHILD PARENT CHILD PARENT PARENT PARENT CHILD PARENT PARENT CHILD CHILD PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT CHILD CHILD PARENT PARENT CHILD PARENT PARENT CHILD CHILD CHILD PARENT PARENT PARENT CHILD PARENT CHILD PARENT CHILD CHILD PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT CHILD CHILD CHILD PARENT CHILD PARENT CHILD CHILD PARENT CHILD PARENT PARENT PARENT CHILD PARENT CHILD CHILD CHILD PARENT PARENT CHILD CHILD CHILD PARENT PARENT PARENT CHILD CHILD PARENT CHILD CHILD PARENT CHILD PARENT PARENT CHILD PARENT CHILD PARENT CHILD PARENT CHILD PARENT CHILD PARENT CHILD CHILD PARENT PARENT CHILD PARENT PARENT PARENT PARENT CHILD CHILD CHILD CHILD CHILD PARENT PARENT PARENT CHILD CHILD CHILD PARENT CHILD CHILD CHILD PARENT CHILD CHILD CHILD PARENT CHILD CHILD PARENT PARENT CHILD CHILD PARENT CHILD CHILD CHILD PARENT As you see, the parents and children appear in randomized order, as expected. I hope you can use this code to see why yours behaves differently. Regards, Liviu. On Jun 9, 2005, at 7:45 PM, Candy E. Sansores wrote: > Dear Glean, Sean: >   > Basically this is what I´m doing (see code below): schedule each > steppable parent, they are not in a sequence, but the are executed > randomly, the scheduler suppose to randomly execute the agents. In > step 600 I dinamically schedule the children (new agents of the same > type as parents) in the same order as parents. The ideal behaviour > would be all agents (parents and children) being randomly executed. > They are randomly executed by groups, that is: some times all parents > are executed first (randomly) and other times childred, that is: > PARENT3 > PARENT1 > PARENT2 > CHILD3 > CHILD2 > CHILD1 > or > CHILD2 > CHILD1 > CHILD3 > PARENT2 > PARENT3 > PARENT1 >   > I would expect all agents scheduled in the same order be executed > randomly as a group, at least the data structure that keeps scheduled > agents is not dynamic. It seems my new agents (children) are put in > the same order but in another list (group). I know a way to solve > this, having a dynamic list of agents and scheduling an steppable > agent that iterate through the list, the steppable reprodution agent > will add children to the list of agents, but I think doing so is > against the purpose of Mason fundamentals. >   > > public void start() { > > > for(int i=0;i<initialAgents;i++) {   Agent parent = new Agent(); } > > > schedule.scheduleRepeating(Schedule.EPOCH,0,parent,1); > > > Steppable reproduction = new Steppable() { > >       public void step(SimState state) { > > >           for(int i=0;i<numAdultParents;i++) { > >               Agent child = new Agent (); > > >               schedule.scheduleRepeating(schedule.time()+1,0,child,1); > >            } > >      } > > >  }; > > > schedule.scheduleRepeating(600, 1, reproduction, 300); > > > } > >      > > "glen e. p. ropella" <[log in to unmask]> wrote: >> Sean Luke wrote: >> >> public Bag agents; // filled with parents and children >> >> public void step() { >> >> agents.shuffle(this.random); >> >> for (int agentNdx=0 ; agentNdx>> >> schedule.scheduleOnce(agents.objs[agentNdx]); >> >> } >> >> } >> > >> > >> > FWIW, there's a tool which does this already: RandomSequence. >> >> Does RandomSequence work for dynamic data structures? It appears from >> the code: >> >> ------------------- >> public Steppable[] steps; >> [...] >> for(int x=steps.length-1; x>0 ; x--) >> { >> int i = (shouldSynchronize ? >> nextInt(state,x+1) : state.random.nextInt(x+1)); >> temp = steps[i]; >> steps[i] = steps[x]; >> steps[x] = temp; >> } >> super.step(state); >> -------------------- >> >> that we're using a fixed size array. And if that's the case, I'd have >> to recreate the RandomSequence at each cycle, thereby defeating the >> purpose. But, perhaps I'm just not looking deep enough. To resize an >> array, you'd have to replace the old Sequence instance variable with a >> new array (with the new size), right? >> >> -- >> glen e. p. ropella =><= Hail Eris! >> H: 503-630-4505 >> M: 503-971-3846 > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around >