Bellissima notizia! Way to go and congratulations!
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 25, 2016, at 9:11 PM, Sean Luke <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> GMU has won a 3-year NSF CRI for ECJ, our evolutionary computation and metaheuristics toolkit (genetic algorithms, etc.).
> Because NSF told me in no uncertain terms that (of course) they would NOT award our team two parallel CRIs :-) this means that our NSF CRI proposal for MASON will not be awarded, at least this year.
> Still, you might be interested below.
> Sean
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Sean Luke <[log in to unmask]>
>> Subject: ECJ toolkit wins National Science Foundation grant
>> Date: July 25, 2016 at 2:40:47 PM EDT
>> To: ECJ Evolutionary Computation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>, genetic programming <[log in to unmask]>
>> George Mason University has won a 3-year NSF grant specifically to enhance the ECJ evolutionary computation toolkit into a broad-based library useful to the entire metaheuristics community.
>> We need two things:
>> 1. We need suggestions for what we should do beyond the list below (which is a summary of roughly what we proposed). In order to convert ECJ into a general-purpose toolkit that could serve as a central library to the generl metaheuristics community, what is missing from our proposed work below? What would you like to see?
>> 2. We'll be building a board of "power users" of ECJ to assess the work and make recommendations here and there. It'll be infrequent and minimal work on your part, but it's important for us. I would like you to recommend (directly to me) people to be on that board. Yes you can recommend yourself.
>> Here's what we have proposed. What do you think should also be there?
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 1. Make ECJ More Robust
>> 1A. Construct a test harness for ECJ
>> 1B. Make distribution-based system tests for ECJ
>> 1C. Make unit tests for ECJ
>> 2. Add Metaheuristics Frameworks to ECJ
>> 2A. Build an Efficient Single-State optimization package (for hill-climbing simualted annealing, tabu search, etc.)
>> 2B. Build a Combinatorial Optimization package (for GRASP, AS, ACS, and likely certain more recent ACO algorithms -- suggestions?)
>> 2C. Abstract and extend the Model Fitting Package beyond CMA-ES (probably to PBIL, UMDA, BIPOP-CMA-ES or AMaLGaM IDEA -- suggestions?)
>> 2D. Build tools to permit hybrid architectures (ILS, memetic algorithms), building off if our mete-evolution facility. Suggestions of specific algorithms to include?
>> 2E. Add NEAT
>> 3. Make ECJ Easier to Use
>> 3A. Eclipse integration (wizards, code skeletons)
>> 3B. Very significantly revise and update ECJ's GUI
>> 4. Make ECJ More Useful for Analysis
>> 4A. Facilities to dump statistics directly to R.
>> 4B. Integrate standard implementations of statistical analyses, such as T-tests etc.
>> 4C. Add significant number of vector benchmarks, from BBOB etc.
>> 4D. Work with representation-specific communities (notably GP, ACO, NEAT) to add often-used benchmark problems.
>> Sean