On Jul 20, 2012, at 7:58 PM, Eric 'Siggy' Scott wrote:
> It's true, however, that the need for this behavior is quite common -- so eventually it would be nice to have a more unified/integrated solution, IMO. That may require rolling out own distributions library, though.
By this I presume you mean to add some common repeat-by-distribution options. We could add those as factory functions, something like this:
public static RandomRepeat makeRepeatByPowerLaw(
Steppable step, int ordering, boolean shouldSynchronize,
double exponent, double lowerCutOff)
return new RandomRepeat(step, ordering, shouldSynchronize)
protected double getNextTime(SimState state, double currentTime)
return currentTime + Distributions.nextPowLaw(2.0, 1.0, state.random);
... or something like that. Then you use it as:
RandomRepeat repeat = RandomRepeat.makeRepeatByPowerLaw(step, initialOrdering, false, 2.0, 1.0);
state.schedule.scheduleOnce(initialTIme, initialOrdering, repeat);
I'd need to know exactly what the common distribution options would be though.