On Jan 5, 2017, at 11:26 PM, Axel Kowald <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> is there a way to specify a name for my checkpoint files?
> The problem is that they seem to overwrite each other if I start
> multiple MASON simulations from the same directory.
A good idea. I just committed a new version of SimState.java which seems to work right. You specify an ID like this:
java sim.app.heatbugs.HeatBugs -docheckpoint 1000 -checkpointname foo
Now it'll write out
Job 0: Checkpointing to file: 1000.0.foo.checkpoint
Job 0: Checkpointing to file: 2000.0.foo.checkpoint
Job 0: Checkpointing to file: 3000.0.foo.checkpoint
Job 0: Checkpointing to file: 4000.0.foo.checkpoint
Job 0: Checkpointing to file: 5000.0.foo.checkpoint
If you don't specify a name, it'll use the class name as usual:
Job 0: Checkpointing to file: 1000.0.HeatBugs.checkpoint
Job 0: Checkpointing to file: 2000.0.HeatBugs.checkpoint
Job 0: Checkpointing to file: 3000.0.HeatBugs.checkpoint
Job 0: Checkpointing to file: 4000.0.HeatBugs.checkpoint
Job 0: Checkpointing to file: 5000.0.HeatBugs.checkpoint
Hope that's sufficient for you.