Hi Randy,
I'm a bit unsure if it helps you, but you can simply subclass
/RectanglePortrayal2D/ directly with /CoordinationPlayers/, something
like the following code (haven't tested).
This way you'll have a /color/ variable (called /paint/) by default.
public class CoordinationPlayer
extends RectanglePortrayal2D
implements Steppable {
private static final double DIAMETER = 6.0;
public CoordinationPlayer() {
paint = (random.nextInt(2) == 0) ? Color.RED : Color.YELLOW;
This way you don't need the magic in the /setupPortroyals()/ function.
Richard O. Legendi
Software developer
Intelligent Applications and Web Services
AITIA International, Inc.
On 2012.03.19. 14:53, Randolph Latimer wrote:
> I'm starting out again with Mason and will appreciate some help with
> what I expect are fairly simple questions.
> I'm transferring a Coordination Game model from Ascape to Mason.
> The Ascape code is described here, if anyone's interested -
> http://ascape.sourceforge.net/manual/Section3.html
> In Mason, I'm using the Schoolyard model as a starter.
> In Coordination Game, each agent needs a variable for its color.
> I'm trying something like this (I don't think I'm implementing Mason
> SimpleColorMap correctly):
> public class CoordinationPlayer implements Steppable
> {
> //public static final double MAX_FORCE = 3.0;
> protected SimpleColorMap colormap = new
> SimpleColorMap(0,1,Color.black,Color.white);
> public Color color;
> public MersenneTwisterFast random = new MersenneTwisterFast();
> public CoordinationPlayer()
> {
> if (random.nextInt(2) == 0)
> color = Color.red;// colormap.getColor(.2);
> else color = Color.yellow; //colormap.getColor(.7);
> }
> public Color getColor()
> {
> return color;
> }
> In CoordinationGameWithUI, - the color is displayed here, in this
> hybrid code from the Schoolyard model.
> I'm trying to set the color with setPortryalForClass, where each class
> object has its own color.
> This isn't working correctly:
> public void setupPortrayals()
> {
> CoordinationPlayers students = (CoordinationPlayers) state;
> yardgridPortrayal.setField(students.yardgrid);
> yardgridPortrayal.setPortrayalForClass(CoordinationPlayer.class,
> new
> RectanglePortrayal2D(CoordinationPlayer.getColor(),true)); //new
> RectanglePortrayal2D(Color.red,true));
> yardgridPortrayal.setPortrayalForNull(new
> RectanglePortrayal2D(Color.blue,true));
> Thanks for any help -
> Randy Latimer