June 2010


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Sean Luke <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
MASON Multiagent Simulation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:21:39 -0400
text/plain (75 lines)
One of the frustrating parts of JFreeChart is that it's not  
consistent.  The histogram mechanism is totally different from the  
others.  It drove me nuts too.  :-)  However this cover class  
(HistogramGenerator) is something which I wrote in an attempt to make  
JFreeChart manageable!

Try chart.updateSeries(0, ...)

The updateSeries method basically changes (1) the data -- as an array  
of doubles -- and/or (2) the number of bins in a series.  Your series  
is probably series #0.


On Jun 28, 2010, at 7:05 PM, Paul Smaldino wrote:

> Thanks. I followed/adapted the example in the how-to. I got the  
> histogram to appear with the initial values, but I'm having trouble  
> figuring out how to update the values, since it uses an array of  
> doubles and not an XYSeries.
> I tried
> chart.updateSeries(1, as.getAgentConnectivity(), false);
> where the second term is a double[].  But this doesn't work,  
> possibly due to the indexing? This JFreeChart stuff is pretty  
> confusing.
> Any tips on how to get the histogram to update?
> Thanks!
> -Paul
> On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 3:20 PM, Sean Luke <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> You're probably looking for setting up a Chart as a Display -- a  
> permanent fixture in your simulation, appearing under the Displays  
> list, rather than something the user generates on his own.  That way  
> you can customize it however you like.
> I don't have an example for doing this with a Histogram.  However  
> the process is *very* similar to how it's done with Time Series  
> charts, and there's an example of that in docs/howto.html  ("How to  
> Add a Time-Series Chart Programmatically").
> At 5:51 PM, Paul Smaldino wrote:
> Hi,
> I really like the ability to make a dynamic histogram, as shown in the
> Heatbugs demo. I'm interested in customizing it so I can pre-set the  
> axis
> labels, range, number of bins, colors, etc.  However, I'm not sure  
> how to go
> about doing this. Can anyone help point me in the right direction?
> Thanks!
> -Paul
> -- 
> ____________________________
> Paul Smaldino, M.A.
> Department of Psychology
> University of California, Davis
> -- 
> ____________________________
> Paul Smaldino, M.A.
> Department of Psychology
> University of California, Davis