You see, THIS is why I'm delaying putting out a new tarball. :-)
The SVN version as you know reflects a lot of one-time clean-ups. These were some of them. You can now get the dataset as an XYSeriesCollection like this:
((XYSeriesCollection) getSeriesDataset())
There's not an array of Stoppables any more: rather each Stoppable has been moved into its respective SeriesAttributes. You can get a stoppable for series number 'n' with:
On Sep 21, 2011, at 9:15 AM, Vlasios Voudouris wrote:
> I use a class to generate my own type of graphics. With the google code mason, I cannot see in the TimeSeriesChartGenerator:
> protected XYSeriesCollection dataset and protected ArrayList stoppables = new ArrayList();
> Vlasios
> =============================================
> Dr Vlasios Voudouris <[log in to unmask]>
> CIBS Deputy Director
> Centre for International Business and Sustainability
> London Metropolitan Business School
> London Metropolitan University
> 84 Moorgate, London EC2M 6SQ, UK
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