May 2010


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"Stockwell, Chris" <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 7 May 2010 14:51:57 -0400
text/plain (18 lines)
Montana State Library has been successfully using MARC-EDIT api to 
address vbscripted searches to our Workflows z39.50 client. The vbscript 
inputs an item id, and we get and responses in the .mrc format and 
convert them to marc.xml (it's a MARCEDIT miracle). 

However, I have come on one bib for which none of the item ids will pull 
the .mrc. For each item-id, when we try this manually with the MARCEDIT 
z39.50 client, we get "1 records were located -  0 were retrieved." Of 
course, this is a bib for which we need z39.50 to work. There are more 
than 200 holdings attached in 926 and 949 fields. Since this is specific to 
one bib, one would think the issue is with Workflows. However, has 
anyone had experience with this type issue who could suggest possible 
issues that we can check out?


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