In general, while a noble impulse, this would be frowned upon in the
cataloging world. The contents of the 245$c, the statement of
responsibility, are supposed to be transcribed. If that data is not
present in the field already, there is no reliable way to reconstruct it
from the 100 field, even if an effective mechanism existed to
"un-invert" the 100$a contents. Catalogers have fortunately gotten away
from the old practice of forcing Mark Twain's works under an entry for
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, but there are other pitfalls to consider.
For instance, does the title page have a statement of responsibility at
all? Does it (or other primary source for the cataloging) have "by" or
not (or the equivalent for foreign language publications)? Is there
some other indication of the function the person performed? Are there
multiple people listed on the title page? How are those names connected
-- a simple list, with an ampersand, with "and"? Do the multiple people
have the same or different functions? How are those functions indicated
with respect to the names involved -- as verbs or nouns, before or after
the names?
Not to discourage, but point out that there is a sign "monsters ahead"
that you may not have noticed.
John F. Myers, Catalog Librarian
Schaffer Library, Union College
807 Union St.
Schenectady NY 12308
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-----Original Message-----
Bobby Reeves wrote:
Hi, all,
I was wondering if anyone has been able to create a 245$c from a 100$a
regular expressions or some other method. I'm not anywhere near being
advanced MarcEdit user, so, I could very well be overlooking a simple
way to
re-order the name information in the 100$a for the statement of
Just to be clear, though, I'm looking to change this:
100$aSmith, John A.
245 $cJohn A. Smith
Thanks for any insights!
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