Many of the 505s in this file are ridiculously long, including, like you said, ones with subsections, and sub-subsections and so forth. One I'm looking at now covers 8 screens in MarcEdit (clicking on the scroll bar): [chapter] 9, then 9.2, 9.22, 9.222, 9.2222, etc., each with the name of the section. And if it won't pass the Validate Structure test, then I have to do something about them, don't I? Besides, I really don't want 505s that long in my catalog if I can avoid it. In my opinion they're too long to be helpful (except for maybe keyword searching, but even then...), and they just look terrible.
The thing I don't get is that the report says the length is 9963:
Critical error: Malformed field -- too long. Reported length: 9963
but the Excel sheet you suggested says that the field has 24,413 characters. So I don't know what "9963" means. Do you, or anyone out there?
-----Original Message-----
From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Lisa Hatt
Sent: Monday, October 4, 2021 12:12 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [MARCEDIT-L] length of field
On 10/1/2021 1:28 PM, Fox, Chris wrote:
> Lisa, this works great! In your experience editing 505s, how long is
> too long? Chris
It's just occurred to me I was thinking of 520s, not 505s, haha. But I draw the line at about 1600 characters. That's not near the functional limit but it starts being a wall of text at that point, and especially with Kanopy records, when the summaries are that long it tends to be fluff (movie review blurbs and stuff). 505 might be a bit of a different animal, since unless it's "Chapter 2 -- Chapter 3" it is usually actually useful information, albeit maybe someone copied and pasted something with too much depth (individual section titles or something).
Probably I would try to keep a 505 under 2000?
Lisa Hatt
Cataloging | De Anza College Library
[log in to unmask] | 408-864-8459
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