August 2010


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Doug Rippey <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Aug 2010 14:32:26 -0600
text/plain (3386 bytes) , Authority_Test_1a.mrk (461 bytes) , Authority_Test_1.mrk (437 bytes)

a)  For what it's worth, I can't replicate error  -99 ...

I copied your first four records below,
  pasted them directly into the MarcEditor (using ver 5.2.3869) , and
  saved that as a test .mrk file (attached).

Then I used the MarcEditor to compile to a .mrc file.

There was no pop-up announcing creation of a new file, but 
  when I used the MarcBreaker to open the new file, there it was, 
  with Leader counts filled in: 


=LDR  00069nz  a  00037o      
=100  1\$aKeller, Luzius Georg$d1938

=LDR  00090nz  a  00049o      
=100  1\$aPorta, Bonifaz
=400  1\$aA Porta, Bonifaz

=LDR  00261nz  a  00097o      
=100  1\$aAal, Johannes$d1500-1551
=400  1\$aAnguilla, Johannes
=400  1\$aAll, Johannes
=670  \\$aDas katholische Deutschland
=670  \\$aHistorisches Lexikon der Schweiz
=678  \\$aProbst in Solothurn

=LDR  00054nz  a  00037o      
=100  1\$aAbb, Edmund


b)  Could you share with us the last two of the "about 70" records you actually got to compile, along with the 
next two records from the source file that did not compile?

c)  Do you care whether there is a comma preceding the 100 $d?  I doubt whether that (or a blank space) is what's causing
your current MarcEdit problem, but depending on your local system, it might affect automated authority control activity.


Doug Rippey
Cataloging Technician IV
Penrose Library Serials Dept.
303.668.7669 (mobile)
University of Denver

-----Original Message-----
From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Beda Szukics
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 7:10 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MARCEDIT-L] Authority Records

Hi all

I'm trying to compile a mnemotecnis Marc Authority File into Marc. The
first few records are:

=LDR       nz  a       o
=100  1\$aKeller, Luzius Georg$d1938

=LDR       nz  a       o
=100  1\$aPorta, Bonifaz
=400  1\$aA Porta, Bonifaz

=LDR       nz  a       o
=100  1\$aAal, Johannes$d1500-1551
=400  1\$aAnguilla, Johannes
=400  1\$aAll, Johannes
=670  \\$aDas katholische Deutschland
=670  \\$aHistorisches Lexikon der Schweiz
=678  \\$aProbst in Solothurn

=LDR       nz  a       o
=100  1\$aAbb, Edmund

If I load these into the editor and try to compile them from there no
records at all are compiled

If I use MarcTools->MarcMaker then about 70 records are processed and
then I get the message:

Error Number: -99

I have processed a very similar file some time ago without major
problems (The only difference is that it had a space before $d in 100).

What's the problem here?

(I try to switch from my old catalogue to KOHA, bibliographic records
went fine, now I'stuck with my about 34'000 Personal autority records)

Greetings                 Beda


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