This is related to my past attempts to "round trip" between MARC and
CSV using MarcEdit
(Hans) > This next one is more serious, in that it requires a lot
more trouble and skill to overcome than the above. This is the fact
that the MARC-to-CSV direction concatenates all the multiple-field
values (e.g. 700$a, 500$a) into a single column separated by
semicolons, which when going back in the other direction results, in a
single such field with everything - potentially completely different
categories of information - all squished in together, much less
readable/useful for my library's patrons than keeping them separate.
(Terry) > Because MarcEdit doesn't know how many columns would be
necessary without first reading the entire file and pre-mapping all
the fields to columns. The program actually makes use of a function
in Excel that lets you build columns that can have and be read as
having multiple delimiters.
I also asked in the Koha list. Their conclusion seemed to be that it
was "impossible"
In the meantime, I've found a workaround, at least for my specific
problem (and possibly the OP's here).
I export from MARC to CSV in two passes, the first for the singleton
fields, and the next for the multiples (multiple instances of whole
fields - I haven't had to deal with multi-level multiples - where
there are repeating subfields per field.) I need to make sure my
unique key recordnumber column is present in both, and for editing
purposes the title.
Then I can use Excel's "Data - text to columns" on the latter, using
the semicolon as a delimiter. Obviously I need to be careful that
there are no semi's within field contents - perhaps another delimiter
(~ or ^?) would be better? And then after I'm don't editing, follow
the procedure for merging two batches of records when I convert back
to MARC.
Terry, it would of course be great if the above could be streamlined -
I look forward to trying the new features in v5.5.
On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 3:17 AM, Reese, Terry
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Ok – I’ve made some changes to the Delimited Text Translator. The program
> will now track the joining and increment the * when joining items. So, for
> example, if you had 3 fields that you joined, the first set would look like:
> *100
> *100
> *100
> If you had another set of 100s or another field, and joined those, it will
> look like:
> **100
> **100
> **100
> This should solve the issue related to the need to join multiple fields and
> elements. This change will be made available when I post the MarcEdit 5.5
> update later this month.
> --TR
> From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Archives and Collections
> Society
> Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 7:44 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [MARCEDIT-L] R-click "Join Items", and MARC 700 repeatable field
> Terry, all,
> My colleague Pete wrote the explanation, background and question below, to
> which we have not yet received a reply. Basically we are trying to obtain
> multiple 700$ fields (2nd author, 3rd author, illustrator with relators,
> titles etc --- but one line per person as per Marc) and apparently MarcEdit
> will not do this. It produces a concatenated single (and unusable) line
> which I find most surprising.
> I have just suggested to Pete that he now maps MarcEdit to produce a 700$, a
> 701$, a 702$ etc, and then bulk edit these back to 700$ prior to staging for
> Koha.
> This is *not* an elegant workaround, but will probably meet our needs.
> Is there any way we can achieve our aims in a more straightforward manner?
> Many thanks and regards,
> Paul
> Tired old sys-admin
> On Mon, 7 Mar 2011 11:24:33 -0500, pete huerter wrote:
> I am trying to use the "Join Items" feature in the DDT twice to join the
> subfields of two independent 700 fields to get something like this:
> =700 1\$aFlannery, Tim $eeditor
> =700 1\$aGrant, Gordon $eillus.
> Is it possible using the MarcEdit DDT to map to more than one joined 700
> field?
> More Background:
> I am using the Delimited Text Translator to Map our biblio information from
> CSV to MARC format. It works great but recently I ran into the following
> stuck spot.
> I am trying to create a mapping that produces multiple joined 700 fields.
> We have Secondary Author, Additional Authors, and Illustrator columns in our
> CSV file. Additionally, for each of the Secondary Author, and Illustrator
> columns we have an additional column that describes the "role" of that
> person (e.g. "editor", "illus"). For each of these we want to link the role
> with the author in the resulting Marc.
> E.g.:
> Secondary Author: Flannery, Tim
> Role: editor.
> Additional Authors: *blank*
> Illustrator: Grant, Gordon
> Role: illus.
> We want:
> =700 1\$aFlannery, Tim $eeditor
> =700 1\$aGrant, Gordon $eillus.
> We are getting:
> =700 1\$aFlannery, Tim $eeditorGrant, Gordonillus.
> Our mapping looks like this:
> 61\*700$a00 (Secondary Author)
> 71\700$a00 (Additional Authors)
> 81\*700$e00 (Secondary Author - Role)
> 201\*700$a00 (Illustrator)
> 211\*700$e00 (Illustrator - Role)
> We have two sets of 700$a, and 700$e to join.
> I am using the R-click "Join" feature to join 700$a (author name) with 700$e
> (e.g. "editor", "illus.").
> I R-click "Join Items" columns 6, and 8. Then I R-click "Join Items"
> columns 20, and 21.
> We want our mapping to look like this
> Secondary Author, Role --> 700$a ... 700$e (R-click "Join" these two)
> Additional Authors --> 700$a
> Illustrator, Role --> 700$a ... 700$e (R-click "Join" these two)
> But it seems that the "Join" feature only allows a single 700 to be joined,
> and not multiple. The "*" prefix seems to lump all joined subfields under
> one 700 field, not allowing multiple separate joins.
> I have tried multiple stars (that is, joining the second 700 pair again),
> however this results in something like this:
> =*70 1\$aGrant, Gordon $eillus.
> which looks suspicious to me.
> If the join interface does not allow for multiple independent joins, is
> there a way of manually editing the .mrd file to force such a mapping?
> Thanks for your time,
> Pete.
> This is my first post to the list. I am a volunteer with the ACS -
> 'Archives and Collections Society' We are using MarcEdit
> to help us move from a spreadsheet representation of our holdings to Koha.
> We are very happy, and grateful to have the MarcEdit tool to help us.
> Thanks!!
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