April 2015


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Gislaine Hamelin <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 28 Apr 2015 14:46:34 -0400
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Does anyone know if this will be held again. Just hearing about this now and previously I thought a virtual workshop was to be held? We would really need to learn how to use MarcEdit more effectively.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters [mailto:[log in to unmask]] De la part de Nina Acosta
Envoyé : April-28-15 1:51 PM
À : [log in to unmask]
Objet : Registration still open for the MarcEdit Workshop with Terry Reese in Albany on May 18!

*Please excuse any cross-postings*

There are still a few spaces open for this event!

MarcEdit Workshop with Terry Reese
co-hosted by Southeastern NY Library Resources Council & Capital District Library Council

Monday, May 18, 2015
The William K. Sandford Town Library (Colonie) in Loudonville, NY
Cost: $25 for all NY3R's council members (SENYLRC, CDLC, METRO, LILRC, CLRLC, NNYLN, WYNLRC, RRLC, SCRLC) $30 for non-members
* Lunch is included in the registration fee Register here:

Come learn about MarcEdit, a freely downloadable metadata software suite available at no cost on the Internet. MarcEdit is designed for large-scale batch record processing, including batch editing MARC records, character set conversions, and record extractions. It also provides users with the ability to perform crosswalks between MARC and other data formats (e.g. Dublin Core). This workshop demonstrates how to edit large batches of records and discusses how your library might use MarcEdit to enhance your workflows.

Who should go? Catalogers who have been longing for an efficient way to manage, edit or analyze large groups of bib records, and those who already use MarcEdit.

The workshop will be a hybrid lecture/hands-on workshop.  All data for the workshop and examples will be made available for attendees looking to follow along -- but the workshop will not have any specific hands on activities due to time and content constraints.  However, if you’ve worked with MarcEdit, or have questions or problems with some hard to work with data – bring them along.

Terry Reese is currently the Head of Digital Initiatives at The Ohio State University Libraries. He has been working on MarcEdit since 1999.

More details and register here:


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