November 2021


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Terry Reese <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 12 Nov 2021 15:24:18 -0500
text/plain (44 lines)
If I was going to script it -- I would use the COM object and write it in VBscript or perl because that's what I know and can do it quickly.  Cmarcedit won't do what you want -- it's just a command line version of specific functions in the program.  

I'm looking at if parts of this can be put into the this point, I'm not sure.  


-----Original Message-----
From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Lloyd Chittenden
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2021 2:50 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [MARCEDIT-L] Extract selected records with file watcher?

For scripting I would need to use command line marcedit, right? I don't see anything about extract records in the documentation for command line. Can it do that?

Lloyd Chittenden
Union Catalog Coordinator
Marmot Library Network
[log in to unmask]

On 11/10/2021 9:37 AM, Terry Reese wrote:
> What kind of extraction?  As I say, the extract selected tool expects user input.  If it was me, I'd script it -- but I guess I'm trying to understand what kind of criteria you would be using.
> --tr
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters 
> <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Lloyd Chittenden
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2021 10:16 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [MARCEDIT-L] Extract selected records with file watcher?
> How would you suggest automating extracting records?


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