May 2021


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Geoffrey Skinner <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 12 May 2021 15:29:02 -0400
text/plain (43 lines)
I've run into a mystery that I just can't figure out. I've set up a long task list for processing our incoming MARC records and it mostly works as expected. There's at least one piece that isn't working at all and I don't know why

The first step in the list is to run an external find-replace list:

    #DESCRIPTION#Process incoming files for Horizon import (Add GMDs, RDA Helper and heading corrections)
     #Run Juvenile find-replace for corrections to subject headings associated with juvenile materials
      REPLACE	Z:\Software\MarcEdit\Shared Tasks\lists\juvenile_find-replace.txt		2		0	True

This task is followed by a bunch of other tasks
     #Change LC Headings for Childrens Lit $vFiction to $vJuvenile fiction without changing indicators
      #REPLACE	(?<field>\=6..  .1)(?<remainder>.*?)\$vFiction.$	${field}${remainder}$$vJuvenile fiction.	2	\=008  .{33}[1f]|\=006  .{16}[1f]	2	False
      #Add Juvenile Literature form division to headings converted from LC Headings for Childrens Lit
       REPLACE	(?<field>\=6[0-5][0-2].{3})1(?<subfielda>\$a.*?)\.$	${field}0${subfielda}$vJuvenile literature.	2	\=008  .{33}[0p]|\=006  . 
        {16}[0p]|\=008  .{22}[ a-c]|\=006  .{5}[a-c]	2	False
       REPLACE	(?<field>\=6.*?\$vJuvenile fiction)\$vJuvenile literature.$	${field}.	2		0	False

In my test record, I have a LC Children's heading, 650  \1$aBabies, that is changed by the juvenile_find-replace.txt list to 650  \1$aInfants as a first step to transforming it to LCSH

If I run the list alone, I get the change. It also works if the list call is the only thing in my test task list:
     Replace Results:
     Find: Z:\Software\MarcEdit\Shared Tasks\lists\juvenile_find-replace.txt
     Results: 1 modifications were made.

But...when I run the full task list, the task is reported as running, but with no changes:
    Replace Results:
    Find: Z:\Software\MarcEdit\Shared Tasks\lists\juvenile_find-replace.txt
    Results: 0 modifications were made.

Could there be some kind of timing issue so that the find-replace list doesn't process before the next task begins? Or is something else be going on? Do the tasks always proceed in order or do some types of task process before others even when the results report is in the task order?

Thanks for your help

Geoffrey Skinner
Cataloging and Metadata Librarian
Sonoma County Library


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