July 2018


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Laura Sachjen <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 Jul 2018 10:09:50 -0400
text/plain (1232 bytes) , z3950_options.png (38 kB) , text/plain (38 kB) , test_file.txt (38 kB) , db_settings.txt (38 kB) , text/plain (38 kB)
Hi Terry,

A test file and my database settings are attached. 

I briefly got batch search working on a fresh install of MarcEdit on a different machine. It stopped working after I made changes to the Z39.50 Options in Preferences. When I choose Download The Most Complete Records and then go back into Preferences, both Download All Records and Download The Most Complete Records are selected (screenshot attached.) Batch search stopped working after that even when I changed the option back to Download All Records. I tried reinstalling MarcEdit on my work machine and I’m getting the unhandled error no matter what.

I’m also wondering why, when it was working, that the same records were being downloaded multiple times. I had a file with 10 ISBNs and for every match that was found the same record was downloaded 10 times.



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________________________________________________________________________ This message comes to you via MARCEDIT-L, a Listserv(R) list for technical and instructional support in MarcEdit. If you wish to communicate directly with the list owners, write to [log in to unmask] To unsubscribe, send a message "SIGNOFF MARCEDIT-L" to [log in to unmask]
9780465052615 9780525521228 9781250121318 9781101884126 9781501162237 9781680202908 9781680202922 9781612129761 9781423184706 ________________________________________________________________________ This message comes to you via MARCEDIT-L, a Listserv(R) list for technical and instructional support in MarcEdit. If you wish to communicate directly with the list owners, write to [log in to unmask] To unsubscribe, send a message "SIGNOFF MARCEDIT-L" to [log in to unmask]
Z39.50 Database Settings Name: Library of Congress Host: Database: VOYAGER Port: 7090 Syntax: USMARC Name: Milwaukee Host: Database: INNOPAC Port: 210 Syntax: USMARC Name: Evergreen Indiana Host: Database: egin Port: 210 Syntax: USMARC ________________________________________________________________________ This message comes to you via MARCEDIT-L, a Listserv(R) list for technical and instructional support in MarcEdit. If you wish to communicate directly with the list owners, write to [log in to unmask] To unsubscribe, send a message "SIGNOFF MARCEDIT-L" to [log in to unmask]
> On Jul 11, 2018, at 4:13 PM, Terry Reese <[log in to unmask]> wrote: > > This crash is because it cannot find the Z39.50 library. Its looking in the homebrew cellar for the file. If it can't find it, this will be the result right away. If the process doesn't immediately crashes and you can tell it's looking up content -- its likely an unhandled exception via formatting, a yaz server error, etc. It's hard to know. I'd probably need a test file and your server configuration to test to see because I know this does work via batch using lc (this is my testing server) > > --tr > > -----Original Message----- > From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Laura Sachjen > Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2018 3:52 PM > To: [log in to unmask] > Subject: [MARCEDIT-L] Batch search in Z39.50 client crashes MarcEdit (Mac) > > I'm not sure if I have something configured incorrectly of if it's a bug. I'm using the latest version of MarcEdit on MacOS High Sierra. Yaz is already installed via Homebrew. I have a text file of ISBNs that I would like to find records for using Z39.50. I know I set up the servers correctly because I can perform a search for a single ISBN and that works as expected. When using batch search it runs for a while and then MarcEdit crashes with Unhandled Error -- Closing System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs. Any ideas? Thanks! > > ________________________________________________________________________ > > This message comes to you via MARCEDIT-L, a Listserv(R) list for technical and instructional support in MarcEdit. If you wish to communicate directly with the list owners, write to [log in to unmask] To unsubscribe, send a message "SIGNOFF MARCEDIT-L" to [log in to unmask] > > ________________________________________________________________________ > > This message comes to you via MARCEDIT-L, a Listserv(R) list for technical and instructional support in MarcEdit. If you wish to communicate directly with the list owners, write to [log in to unmask] To unsubscribe, send a message "SIGNOFF MARCEDIT-L" to [log in to unmask] ________________________________________________________________________ This message comes to you via MARCEDIT-L, a Listserv(R) list for technical and instructional support in MarcEdit. If you wish to communicate directly with the list owners, write to [log in to unmask] To unsubscribe, send a message "SIGNOFF MARCEDIT-L" to [log in to unmask]