April 2014


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"D. Brooking" <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 3 Apr 2014 11:05:07 -0700
TEXT/PLAIN (36 lines)

I have 2 files that overlap, one  with 142 recs and one with 162 recs and 
I need to find the 20 unique recs.

I joined the files, so that the 142 should be duplicated within the joined 
file. And I am trying to use the "print unique items" box to get 
something, but I don't know what. How does MARCedit know where to print?

The problem was that the original file of 162 had no control numbers (no 
001s, no 035s) and the new file of 142 does have OCLC numbers (in 035). I 
think I can use 020 ISBN to dedup, though each rec has multiple 020s. I 
don't think the vendor changed the files except to add the 035s.

I used 020 as control number, chose date stamp (005) to dedup on, and 
checked the box for Print unique items. The process ran, but nothing 
seemed to happen.

I am positive I am doing it wrong, but looking at the resources out there, 
I can't figure out what....

Any help appreciated.

Diana Brooking        (206) 685-0389
Cataloging & Germanics Librarian
Suzzallo Library       [log in to unmask]
University of Washington
Box 352900
Seattle WA  98195-2900


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