On Wednesday, October 26, 2011 11:56 AM, Linda Hofmann wrote:
>I'm working on a batch of records in which the cutter numbers in the 050 field are formatted incorrectly , i.e., no $b. I simply want to remove all cutter numbers (identified by .<A-Z>), leave the class number, and add $b (Electronic). Keeping in mind that some class numbers have a decimal point in them, removal has to be specifically .<letter>
>What is the best way to do this?
That does sound like a challenge, since, though your message seems to say otherwise, you probably don't want to delete Cutters that are part of the classification, just those that are for shelflisting (main entry-based).
For example:
(Starting with a file with $b, to try to reproduce your results: Find, regular expression checked, (=050 ..\$a.+)\$b, replace with $1
Example results:
=050 00$aGV1205.K47 2012
=050 00$aQL666.O69B73 2011
=050 00$aQL737.E23S43 2012
=050 00$aTT900.C4L96 2012
So, if you have a regular expression find and replace:
(=050 ..\$a.+)\.[A-Z].+
You end up with:
=050 00$aGV1205
=050 00$aQL666
=050 00$aQL737
=050 00$aTT900
which in some/many cases is probably less than helpful.
Perhaps start with regular expression find and replace:
(=050 ..\$a.+\.[A-Z].+)[A-Z].+
leading to:
=050 00$aGV1205.K47
=050 00$aQL666.O69
=050 00$aQL737.E23
=050 00$aTT900.C4
but then you are left with the problem of figuring out which of the remaining ones are meaningful classifiation cutters vs. which are the main entry shelflisting Cutters. You may also have lost some meaningful 2nd Cutters (in triple Cuttered classes, though those are generally only in geography classes; there may also be issues in PZ7 and other literature classes).
I'm sorry I can't be more help,
Bryan Baldus
Quality Books Inc.
The Best of America's Independent Presses
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